Winter Solace Productions is proud to launch our new sub label "Do Not Buy, Listen To, Own Or Otherwise Care About The Existence Of These Materials!" to allow for specialized releases of outsider music. The concept of this will be lost on everybody but the idea is to release music that is not able to actually be listened to be any human being, and is as inaccessible as possible. The main genre of this label is Outsider Music, not metal or industrial. This a new pathway of our Avant-Garde divisions and will allow for reissues of some of the early titles released in this vein that are not music, not noise, nor should ever be owned or purchased by any human being. It is important that we are obvious in the inaccessibility of the these endeavors, and that the intention is for them to be released and not actually purchased or consumed by any persons. Nobody should support this activity, however these are actual products that I am selling and telling people not to buy. I am not trolling by announcing these, as again they are real products!
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion "On The Jews & Their Lies" 6x Cdr.
Reissue of the oop untitled six 6cdr compilation released by the Mein Kampf Recordings label in 2013. As with most early protocols recordings many of these were entirely improvised and I think this entire release (despite being multiple hours long) was made in approximately 20 minutes. The challenge is to make it through all six discs in secession, which to my understanding nobody has been able to ever complete. I made it about half through disc 2 and gave out. In theory this is an experiment in manufactured boredom. As the title and artwork is suggesting, the entire presentation of this was planned and chosen to alienate the listener, upset people and make it so again, nobody would actually buy this. Remastered due to problems getting the original pressing manufactured onto cdr. Esoterico "La Bota! La Bota! La Bota! 1488!!!"
Outsider music based entirely on recordings with a Baglama. Completely improvised over Spanish language programming, with noise and electronic parts. A masterpiece of what is it and is a reissue of all obscure materials. This was the industrial recording we put out that sampled the la bota song.
Released in the past few weeks by the Winter Solace label is a new onslaught of various electronic/techno releases.
Solace310 – Jugra/Cosmic Weapon of Thule/Surt "Evisceration Of Sino Pseudo-Reality"
Jugra, as a musical entity is evolving into one of NS black metal's most unique acts, becoming something that is truly original and forging new pathways into uncharted territory. As can be evident by the other projects on this split tape, this is an entirely neo-folk/industrial recording. While making other releases in black metal & RAC, this marks the first Jugra release playing traditional folk tunes from their region of Malaysia. North American & European record stores call this "World Music" however the direction here is definitely folk/traditional in nature.
The Cosmic Weapon of Thule tracks are remakes of various Irish/American folk songs/IRA battle cries. While I explored these types of sounds with the Vinland Special Services project, I desire as become better at making music to rework some of these as things that are more recognizable as sounds, rather then Outsider Power Electronics. One original track paying tribute to the folklore of an area of Wisconsin I used to have to travel to for work was also made as an intro to one of the songs. This CwoT release is different from the others in the discography as it is completely devoid of the NS Techno chauvinism.
Within the Brotherhood of Light collective, Surt has always been the most overlooked out of all that is there as it is not metal music. Ambient/Folk acoustic music that veers into Dungeon Synth territory on a few occasions. This material was recorded around the same time frame/sessions as the first two demos before the split with Uruk-Hai.
Jugra - - -'d be willing to facilitate a deal between all three bands and any institution wanting to make a pro CD (not CD-r) of this tape. Please e-mail for more information.
Solace315 – Cosmic Breath "The Pull On The Line Taking Us All Away"
SolaceCD036 – Cosmic Breath "The Pull On The Line Taking Us All Away"
As I had stated when the split tape with Faustgeist was released, the entity of Cosmic Breath is/was the torch bearer for some of this labels ventures into more Avant-Garde/experimental territory. This full length "The Pull On The Line Taking Us All Away" is a deep blackened noise dirge that will challenge and enchant the listener. This is not a black metal album, nor really is it in the traditional sense a Noise or Power Electronics album as the point of this is not so much annihilate the listener as it is to suspend them into a unique and bizarre void. Released as limited tape and Professional Cdr. – Ra-Goa' uld/Cosmic Weapon Of Thule "Space Is The Place For The Aryan Race"
SolaceCD035 – Ra-Goa' uld/Cosmic Weapon Of Thule "Space Is The Place For The Aryan Race"
Ra-Goa' uld is a new electronic project of the Via Dolorosa frontman, following down the experimental Ambient/NS Techno pathways that this label has traversed usually alone for many years. Calm spacey electronica with hints of Berlin-School, Free Jazz and Classical for people of the elite. Abstract musings channeling metamorphosis into the Winged Disc (similar to Horus) and ascension into Atlantean Godhead/return to the Aryan Homeworld. The CwoT tracks were recorded in the same sessions as the recently released album (however their run times are more accessible in length) and channel worship of frog gods/meme magic. Tape and/or Pro Cdr.
Ra-Gao' uld - - – Ra'Goa' uld "Talbet Tok Ra"
Full length debut tape album of same project. Some concepts and comparisons are drawn to later Mortiis but again, this is obviously it's own entity entirely. Unless there is a request we will not be making a pro Cdr of this title at this time, however this entire album is for stream on the Winter Solace youtube.
Full stream - the late nineties many underground black metal artists improvised and released numerous fantasy/LOTR battle ambient recordings to provide an outlet for their powers of sorcery and clairvoyance. At present these recordings are now trotted out (or manufactured entirely) by numerous "underground" black metal labels and marketed to the consumers with a very high price tag as Dungeon Synth.
Dedicated music scholars debate online if these recordings are actually Dungeon Synth or not and people on the internet who were kids when these materials were originally recorded kill each other to buy mindlessly, perpetuating this simply disgusting cycle.
The holy grail of these types of recordings is Floral Of Forever's "Ad Infinitum", made in 1996 on the island of Borneo. The original artist being a well established underground figure inside his country of Burnei, however completely unknown outside of Southeast Asia. The only release of this project is a 16 minute demo cut that has been fully exhumed, given artwork by Winter Solace thanks to the efforts Heritage Nusantara and reissued as a completely professional manufactured limited pro-cassette product.
There will be people who will decide (based on the fact that I alone invented the NS Dungeon Synth music genre) to post childish things on the internet in a misguided attempt to sabotage the distribution of this production. It should be noted that this recording is not a political recording and the ramblings of these delusional persons only reveals how much of the mind control still consumes them.