Yes, cause there is not only one Antifa with a Holy Book of Rules and Laws. Its a chaotic bunch of different people and organisations under a Big Name. Like Gothic is the Name for several Subgenres. The Game always change and even if you ask your Local Groub about Black Lists its not secure and won't guarantee that another Antifa Block won't fuck your Party. Its not Antifa Hamburg only stationed in Hamburg nor are they the only operating Antifas in Hamburg. If you'r OK with Antifa Hamburg any other Group can beat you up or fuck you up. You really think that an Antifa Heldrungen or a Antifa Bucha can be a real Problem?
Most important is the Fact, that the Antifa have no relation to Subcultures and the Background, so they use to fight against everything in the end. And without consence, logic or Ideologie. And they don't fight against Organisations, they fight against People. For the right winged its pretty normal to see their Adresses and Private Fotos everywhere on Posterns, Internet and Newspapers or get beaten up by a mob, so the Antifa can't make a move here. If normal people are fucked up in this way its like a Victory for the Antifa and they don't care what they break on the Road to Victory.
i edit the text and try it in a different way. Imagine someone see's your Mailorder and say that you can't sell some Stuff cause its right winged and send you some links with Infos about it from Indymedia and Junge World. You sort it out and sell the other stuff.
Now imagine that another Person writes about Stuff also with Links from Indymedia and other Sources but the Stuff they want to forbid is actualy not even Political, so you don't agree and discuss without end about it. After you get Public attention on Indymedia any kind of warriors write to you and in the end everything in your mailorder is forbidden cause its not human and intolerant. If you don't shut down your Mailorder they will fuck you up make your adress public, you will get Police Help with sorting your Stuff and if they find out that you are in no organisation who could help you, they visit you for helping and tea...and that AFTER you cleaned your Mailorder from every maybe right winged, sexicst, racist and inhuman treadhs....