Quote from: Duncan on May 05, 2019, 12:38:31 AM
LOL seriously guys? I mean, this is sucky, but it's HERE we start saying ski masks and serial killers are dull?! I think I saw at least 3 acts wearing them in a recently hyped thread regarding some successful show that survival unit played in the states? I've been to shows with this exact sort of thing happening that people described here as legendary the following day. You're all fucking hopeless.
Internet try-hardism. Whether it comes from confirmed performers or n00bs, we never needed more than one Sotos, Slogun, BU, etc... There's a terrible amount of ass-kissing on the forum (which is funny and ironic considering the rampant homophobia in many threads) and of seemingly highly-influenciable people who keep perpetuating a boring "tradition" of being provocative for the sake of... something. These people come and go, and only time will tell whether Milat were worth wasting our time discussing the way they come off on here. If the music's good, maybe I'll check them out in 10 years. In the meantime, I believe bands, projects or labels that need to overhype what they put out or what they are usually have something to hide, like their music's vacuity for instance. So that might be only me but I'll leave all the Milats, Scatmothers, topless guys with ski masks, noise projects with Metal Zones, etc... to the impressionable crowd. Personality and subtlety (yes, even in harsh noise) is what makes art stand out imho.