NRR113 Bacillus Out of Control C36 on the heels of last year's acclaimed release on Nefarious Activities, we are pleased to present the latest salvo from Bacillus, "Out of Control," marking the 25th year of this contagious plague spread by Peter Keller. Much like the pattern of diseases and epidemics, Bacillus has emerged, lied dormant, and re-surfaced multiple times since the 90's, with caustic treatises on microbiological revenge issued on legendary labels like Slaughter Productions, Self Abuse, and Deadline.
"Out of Control" may well be the most definitive Bacillus release to date, the "deadliest outbreak on record" indeed. With jarring cut-up & infectious old-school industrial clatter, sourced from the crude degraded sounds of mangled tapes, glue records, turntable abuse, & half-broken electronics, it is all inspired by current events, news reports delivering a hopeless narrative.All skillfully executed live to tape with no post-editing or manipulation. A grim report on the future of mankind.
Edition of 100