SPECIAL INTERESTS #13 out now! Thicker than couple previous issues. 48/A4 pages packed with small text (Helvetica, 7 point) providing a lot of information about international harsh noise, industrial noise, power electronics, experimental. Some interviews are longer, taking look into entire career of artists. Some are shorter, focusing around particular recent release and recent themes.
1. Front cover: Aprapat
2. Editorial: Mikko A
5. Kovana by: Gerrit Van Horebeek & Mikko A
8. Antipatik Records by: Gerrit Van Horebeek
11. Maskhead & Hiisi prod. by: Gerrit Van Horebeek
13. Gutter Disease Records by: Gerrit Van Horebeek
15. Citalopram Shunyata by: Gerrit Van Horebeek & Mikko A
19. Tyhjä Pää by: Mikko Polus
22. SM/DP by: Mikko Polus
23. Climax Denial by: Nevis Kretini
26. Divin Droit by: Mikko Polus
28. Bagman by: Nevis Kretini
32. Destroy Oneself by: Linekraft manifesto
34. Linekraft by: Takahiko Yokoyama
37. Mogao by: Mikko Polus
38. Aprapat by: Mikko Polus
39. The New Boyfriends by: Mikko Polus
43. Rotat by: Gerrit Van Horebeek
46. Beyond Industrial Noise? by: Mikko A
48 / A4 pages, english.
If you prefer to buy from noise distributor you regularly buy from, ask them to stock some copies. SI 13 will be sent to various dealers around the global noise network. (wholesale purchases, contact: fanimal at cfprod dot com)
Direct orders from Finland, can be made via nhfastore. Postage for 500g weight letter is 7 euro for anywhere in the world. This weight allows you to buy 2 magazines, or magazine + 2 CD’s. When weight goes over 500g, system will charge you package rates. Issues 9, 10,11 and 12 are available and can be found by writing special interests into webstore search.