
Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 10, 2009, 09:03:21 PM

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"The Occult Experience film was produced by Cinetel Productions Ltd in 1987, then later released on VHS in 1992 and approximate running time is 87 minutes. This rare, less than 10,000 copies made is an award-winning documentary that covers the subjects of Witchcraft and the Goddess Movement, Satanism, Shamanism, Christianity, Druidism and Egyptian ritual magick found across North America and Europe. In addition, this award-winning documentary also provides the viewer with an inside look into the Solitary practice as well as a look into Circles, Groves and Covens, each with its own spiritual customs through revealing interviews and filmed rituals by Z. Budapest, Alex Sanders, Janet & Stuart Farrar, Margot Adler, Selena Fox, Michael Aquino and Olivia Robertson to name just a few in a close up look into the various spiritual practices of old and new."


Quote from: Voûte on November 05, 2010, 11:40:27 PM
Japanese Suicide Forest :

I liked it, short documentary but good

I found something interesting in there too:

Reed Ghazala: The father of circuit bending.


I just saw the 'Understanding Anti-Semitism' DVD that came along with the Brethren 10". Definately interesting, however there are some minor points: 1h47min is just too long since it's mainly pictures and the same voice telling everything and I didn't really like the Christian viewpoint they seemed to take in the part about prostitution, homophilia..
After seeing it, I checked the bottle of Heinz Ketchup in the fridge and indeed there was this sign, which I had seen before, but never cared about, one of the signs they showed that this is kosher. What a bunch of crap (kosher food)...


Of course one can remember, understanding anti-semitism, isn't exactly mere document as it is also propaganda film. Although biased standpoint seems the most common when talking about political extremism.
I have small pile of leftover discs. If someone wants to see the document without buying the 10", remind me and could be thrown in to orders. Handful of extra copies..
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


But, to continue subject, if one wants to see more "professional" document, I think excellent document is: DEFAMATION by Yoav Shamir.
Jewish guy doing document about anti-semitism, which he has never experienced himself or really know how it happens.
And it is HILARIOUS to see the massive scale of anti-semitic violence what ADL has to respond with their budget of millions of dollars. Obviously, ADL didn't like how they were shown in film. Most likely very accurately.
You are nearly bursting into laughter when ADL has meeting with NYC police about uprise of anti-semitic offenses, which was by their statement... hmm was it 1500 per year? And when they are asked to produce any backing for the "statistics", only thing they can show from past few months is two guys not getting holiday from work. Which was clearly anti-semite offense. One report about someone saying something antisemitic online. And one elderly lady hearing officer say in phone conversation "first I have to deal with this jewish shit". That's months worth, while their "statistics" should indicate over hundred per month in USA.

It shows very nicely the journalist ethics. They interview of Israeli newspaper responsible for reporting about anti-semitism. He says, loud and clear, something like "in these matters you can't be journalist" (don't remember 100% exact quote, though). They simply forge news about antisemitism for their own advantage and consider that as good way to produce newspaper.

It is amusing, that nobody seems to like the boss of ADL. Even his friends are like "well. he is.. you know..". And the enemies, which include anything from jewish professors to rabbi's etc, blatantly call him criminal, thief, cheater, etc. And when you are at the wrong side, he will simply do his best to crush you.

QuoteADL Statement on "Defamation," a Documentary Film by Yoav Shamir

Two years ago Yoav Shamir approached the Anti-Defamation League for assistance on a documentary he was making on the subject of anti-Semitism.  We provided him wide access to film ADL in action, in our offices, at our annual national meeting, on leadership missions in Italy, Ukraine and Poland, and in Israel.  Our expectation was that his documentary would present a serious portrait of what Jews worldwide face today -- anti-Semitism in both its age-old and new forms, and the actions taken to counter it.

After seeing "Defamation" we can only say the film fell far short of our expectation.  Rather than document anti-Semites and their hatred of Jews and the Jewish State of Israel, the film belittles the issue and portrays the work of ADL and that of his own country as inconsequential.  There was so much more Shamir could have and should have done.

"Defamation" is neither enlightening, nor edifying, nor compelling.  It distorts the prevalence and impact of anti-Semitism and cheapens the Holocaust.  It is Shamir's perverse, personal, political perspective and a missed opportunity to document a serious and important issue.

-- May 8, 2009

This came on TV already, and probably available just about everywhere with ease. Check out for example youtube, at least trailers and other clips.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


very interesting, I was wondering, is there a documentary about right wing extremists of the Jewish Defence League?
instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
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Quote from: tiny_tove on November 26, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
very interesting, I was wondering, is there a documentary about right wing extremists of the Jewish Defence League?

Yeah, I would like to see the dirt on JDL. Once called by the FBI the biggest domestic terror group in America.


GRAPHIC SEXUAL HORROR is pretty interesting. Reminds me of H.O.M. loops mixed with Japanese S&M. The guy's early work is interesting too (paintings, I think).

andy vomit

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 27, 2010, 11:59:20 PM
GRAPHIC SEXUAL HORROR is pretty interesting. Reminds me of H.O.M. loops mixed with Japanese S&M. The guy's early work is interesting too (paintings, I think).

i watched it last night.  decent flick for sure.  from a documentary standpoint it was nothing spectacular, but the content more than made up for it (which is something i think the filmmakers knew going into it)


yesterday in local theater. 3 euro to see two Herzog documents:

LEKTIONEN DER FINSTERNIS (Lessons of Darkness) 1991/92 55min
WOODABE – DIE HIRTEN DER SONNE (Woodabe – Herdsmen of the Sun) 1989 49min

Lessons of Darkness, 2nd gulf war material, which for major part is slow paced footage of destroyed landspace, demolished oil technology, lakes made out of black oil. Intense oil fires and people putting them out... and for reason or another, setting them on fire again. Very impressive visions of total destruction. Couple short interviews of victims, but for most of all, it leaves the human issues and war itself in distance, and focuses on obsessive visions of destroyed structures build in desert.

Herdsmen of the sun is tribe of negroes living in edge of sahara. With very little material possession and hated by surrounding tribes, they have their own ways of living. Document follows most of all the ritual of "mating". Their custom is that all the men make up and dress up into days long dance session where females pick the most beautiful man etc. When their aethetics are what they are, you'll be seeing slightly trannie looking guys, with blue lipstick and tribal masks, trying to expose as much white as they can, meaning bizarre grinning smiles and bulging they eyes as open as possible. It looks like ghetto nuthouse version of Culture Club's gig, where everybody insists to look like Boy George.

Series continues every sunday, with 2-3 documents for couple of months.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


LETZTE WORTE (Last Words) 1967/68 13min
Short and highly surreal document of solitary man who lived in deserted island originally designed for lepers, until police got him out of there by force. It makes very little sense. People repeating same lines of speach over and over and over again. Bizarre old mens duo performing music with exotic instruments, and so on.

LAND DES SCHWEIGENS UND DER DUNKELHEIT (Land of Silence and Darkness) 1970/71 82min
Totally harsh document about people who have either born or simply later become deaf & blind. Focusing on 56 year old lady, who helps other deaf-blinds to handle this horrid fate. She lost the sight and sounds later on, so she could learn how to speak. Some harsher characters are for example 22 year old guy, who was born that way (looks handicapped anyways), and he was never stimulated in any way other than some soft easy foods fed by his father. This 22 year old knows nothing and understands nothing. It's something vaguely human sitting in room, feeling objects, hitting himself and drooling. Simply just existing.
While document addresses questions of values of society towards handicapped etc., and probably being germany in year 1970, I guess it's pretty clear how things are. To me, immediately raises questions of what exactly IS human, and what does this empathy for some unconscious piece of meat achieve? Not talking of the someone who can live with the problems, but those, who don't even have a clue they even live. And by standards of human, probably even doesn't. If this document would have been made 30 years earlier.. what would have it looked like? Probably not doctors with sonic vibrations trying to teach child some expressions he never was able and never will be able to hear or see, of abstract concepts he will never be able to understand. The little joy he gets from sparkling water in shower probably later on will change when finds out possibilities of auto-erotic stimulations, heh... If I'd be deaf and blind, I hope someone would have courtesy to guide me to high enough cliff to jump down!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com



Quote from: Voûte on February 07, 2011, 02:50:23 PM
Some of you might be interested by this:
Damn, that Tunnel Canary sounds good! Great female "vocals".