But, to continue subject, if one wants to see more "professional" document, I think excellent document is: DEFAMATION by Yoav Shamir.
Jewish guy doing document about anti-semitism, which he has never experienced himself or really know how it happens.
And it is HILARIOUS to see the massive scale of anti-semitic violence what ADL has to respond with their budget of millions of dollars. Obviously, ADL didn't like how they were shown in film. Most likely very accurately.
You are nearly bursting into laughter when ADL has meeting with NYC police about uprise of anti-semitic offenses, which was by their statement... hmm was it 1500 per year? And when they are asked to produce any backing for the "statistics", only thing they can show from past few months is two guys not getting holiday from work. Which was clearly anti-semite offense. One report about someone saying something antisemitic online. And one elderly lady hearing officer say in phone conversation "first I have to deal with this jewish shit". That's months worth, while their "statistics" should indicate over hundred per month in USA.
It shows very nicely the journalist ethics. They interview of Israeli newspaper responsible for reporting about anti-semitism. He says, loud and clear, something like "in these matters you can't be journalist" (don't remember 100% exact quote, though). They simply forge news about antisemitism for their own advantage and consider that as good way to produce newspaper.
It is amusing, that nobody seems to like the boss of ADL. Even his friends are like "well. he is.. you know..". And the enemies, which include anything from jewish professors to rabbi's etc, blatantly call him criminal, thief, cheater, etc. And when you are at the wrong side, he will simply do his best to crush you.
QuoteADL Statement on "Defamation," a Documentary Film by Yoav Shamir
Two years ago Yoav Shamir approached the Anti-Defamation League for assistance on a documentary he was making on the subject of anti-Semitism. We provided him wide access to film ADL in action, in our offices, at our annual national meeting, on leadership missions in Italy, Ukraine and Poland, and in Israel. Our expectation was that his documentary would present a serious portrait of what Jews worldwide face today -- anti-Semitism in both its age-old and new forms, and the actions taken to counter it.
After seeing "Defamation" we can only say the film fell far short of our expectation. Rather than document anti-Semites and their hatred of Jews and the Jewish State of Israel, the film belittles the issue and portrays the work of ADL and that of his own country as inconsequential. There was so much more Shamir could have and should have done.
"Defamation" is neither enlightening, nor edifying, nor compelling. It distorts the prevalence and impact of anti-Semitism and cheapens the Holocaust. It is Shamir's perverse, personal, political perspective and a missed opportunity to document a serious and important issue.
-- May 8, 2009
This came on TV already, and probably available just about everywhere with ease. Check out for example youtube, at least trailers and other clips.