Strangler Fig / Eco Terror - Rainforest Surrogate CS (Minimal Impact)

Started by minimal.impact, June 06, 2020, 06:15:54 AM

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An experiment in nature simulacra, Rainforest Surrogate contains new sounds from underground recording acts Eco Terror and Strangler Fig. Recorded sparsely over a number of months during a period of time where Australians faced heartbreak and defeating conditions as wildfires raged across the nation.

Despite much attention having since shifted towards other global narratives, Rainforest Surrogate redirects focus towards the relationship between a culture of growth and localised land development phenomena. Named after Eco Terror's offering, Rainforest Surrogate contains layered sound collage and sample work referencing HNW maximalism and its entanglement with abject imagery. This prospect of colonised and capitalised nature projects an undoubtedly bleak future.

$6 domestic + postage. Again, international postage is pretty rough at the moment, so bundled orders are encouraged. Any US or EU distros are encouraged to contact via email.


Some copies have been sent to Shame File Music (AU), with the final four copies available from Minimal Impact.