Ineffable Slime - A Warning to the Curious CD - out now

Started by Eigen Bast, August 17, 2021, 08:57:45 PM

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Eigen Bast

As the world tilts further towards an ignominious oblivion, Ineffable Slime returns with "A Warning to the Curious". Occulted harsh noise rooted in the method of chaos, with the aim of annihilation. Poetic samples fuse with cavernous drones, while primitive electronics sizzle above a maelstrom of quaking steel. Pointless as it may seem, these recordings provide a valuable starting point towards self-abnegation.

non-fancy description:
Psycho noise constructed from a Trogotronic 657; mic'ed up reverb tanks; drone synth; Metasonix TX-35; handful of other pedals; SP-404 loaded with Robert Duncan, high desert lightning storms, private press hippie tunes, Ted Hughes, and a recording of my murderer neighbor's house being raided by a SWAT team. "Psychedelic" in the sense of a goal of overwhelming sensory overload. Inspired by: Ain Soph, Mo*Te, SunnO))) and all the other FREAKS out there wilding out in spite of the inability to tour, the inability to interact with other humans, and the general horrid malaise we've all been suffering for the past 1.5+ years with no end in sight.

Existence is a fucker, void out when you can.

One track streaming at bandcamp:

CDs available direct from me - just PM me.

Copies going to distro soon (US & International) - I will update as they hit. If interested in copies, get @ me here.

Eigen Bast

copies have arrived @ Skeleton Dust (US) and are en route to White Centipede Noise (Eur)

blessings 2 u all