regardless, i have ordered the two books still available from FreakAnimal. excited to get those.
now on the lookout for IOPS journal #1 (since i believe it is OOP) and ACCS and AGTA.
i actually agree here, in that there are just not that many people interested in this type of literature. a cult-ish underground, but even out of those, only a few actually read the written work.
for instance, while i am a fan of Peter Sotos, i dont think he would be as much of a cult figure as he is if that whole situation of his arrest didnt happen. people hear that story and are immediately drawn to it for being "risque" (which is why it is always at least touched upon in interviews happening today), they end up buying the books, and let them sit untouched on shelves.
maybe this is getting too far off topics, but i would like to hear anyone else's favorite "transgressive" authors.