This quote comes from WCN podcast, but it is not really directed to Honer is King. I talked with bunch of people from different music styles, plus also other fields of creation, who many kind of ponder with something related to discussion on SI forum "missing but what".
Many guys had the feeling that they're doing just fine. Making recordings, putting them out, even selling something. But there is some largely undefined "missing element", what generally is lack of feedback. Lack of cultural impact. No matter if one would play more than others or sell more albums than others, but if there isn't visible resonance.
Success, would be perhaps defined as personal feeling of meaning more than any particular achievement.
I surely remember hoping to get to play Japan at some point. And did it. Several times set goal that album must be something very specific that it is satisfying to myself. Of course, there was hope that amount of pressed items was not being exaggerated and they'd eventually sell.
However, I am curious how many do set some sort of goals, acknowledge that there can or should be "success" (relative, and may require defining) in context of noise / industrial / PE? I am sure there are some, who will put weight on getting reviewed or interview appearing in WIRE. Or being actually paid to play at show (haha.. ). Or being paid flights overseas to play in festival. Getting albums sold beyond distros that you're friends operate etc.
Some of the desires may be slightly awkward to confess, in context of underground art, where mostly people display indifference or rejection against "popularity" (?).
Quote from: HONOR_IS_KING! on May 09, 2022, 09:13:12 PM
The fact is I want to be a full time musician and do great things like take care of my wife and InshAllah future family with it. Unlike so many of my PE peers with office jobs/solid working class can't relate or understand that through music is the only way I can truly succeed (because I always fucking have, my work has always been growing and hasn't stopped). Been working in retail for too long to just hop into an office job without knowing someone and frankly I don't want to work a fucking regular job, never have. I think to be branded and blacklisted over being labeled by things that people on this board revel in is fucking moronic, and a waste of my talent. So this is why I did it. I wanted to finally have an official statement on it so idiots can be directed to it.
Like I mentioned in the first interview though, some folks want to be a big catfish in a small pond and Im trying to be a great white shark in the ocean of this life. So this is how I must move.
I do think it would be benefit for noise / PE as a whole, if there would be some cross over with other music styles. Most of the time when you hear people talk about the moments when they found noise, it was from some sort of cross over thing. Relapse tricking metalheads to buy harsh noise, Sonic Youth wanting noise bands as support acts and so on. These days probably its more like Puce Mary, Prurient, Merzbow still absolutely essential name that brings noise to crowds who have vague knowledge of it.
While I say that could be beneficial, from personal perspective, I can't say I absolutely regret playing all sorts of music fest and warming up wide variety of big names. Warmed up anything from Eyehategod, Impaled Nazarene, Destroyer666, and so on. All sorts of too big festival stages. But if I was to make decision now, I would most likely politely say no thanks and suggest someone else who would want to do it. Several noise guys I talked to, who used to play with wide music culture, have leaned towards same direction. Acknowledging that the the generic idea of how success happens in music or business, is more waste of time. Focusing in something else in noise is more vital.
These days success would be almost like synonym for doing
whatever, rather than working towards specific goal. Economically I rarely think beyond sustaining operations. Money comes in if it comes, but it has never dictated what I do (which may explain the neat seemingly nearly suicidal publishing history, hah..)..
How I see it, the wider music culture has nothing to offer me, that I would want to take part of. I see underground (many types of music, not just the noise) has lots of things people probably could be inspired of. So someone who is interested to expand reach of noise to new crowds is good thing, but I personally am not interested to work for that under any other terms than from perspective of how I operate regardless is there success or not.
Anyways, still today, if one must mention specific goal, perhaps once again returning to Japan to play live gig(s) some day is goal that could be done within decade!