Quote from: theotherjohn on September 02, 2016, 10:44:34 PM
Yeah, we've noticed - slow down a bit with the posts, ha! (that probably goes for the drinks too?)
At least OoOoOoOoO or whatever his name was mostly kept his carefully-composed and thought-invested posts in one thread...
my booze and internet access is one-ie I have no access at home so access the WiFi in the local pub.
frankly I will comment ad nauseam when drunk.
hardly anything I post is of worth. little of what gets posted by others, likewise.
see what you mean though, regarding posts.there are so many meaningless replys.
that said, Mr ooooooooo was all about how he felt in his confusion.
I am not confused, aware of my shortcomings and love my opinionated self.
hurrah for me and fuck you has long been a quote to live by.
this includes my drunken self.
as an epitaph, online reality is less than physicality.