Far Rockaway Scene

Started by XXX, April 02, 2012, 07:26:25 AM

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After listening to Yellow Tears last 3 releases today, was wondering if many people are aware of sheer amount of quality music coming out of the Red Light District. Perhaps most well known acts as Yellow Tears or Halflings, but what of Pharmakon, Teeny Bopper, Hands Rendered Useless, or Diaphragm? I could list so many more and many acts share members and sounds, but this is no problem with me.  some of my favorite releases.

Yellow Tears - Cult of YT 7" & CS
--Strange sounds of water hitting porcelain and gargling. extremely disturbing and in a similar vein as 12" ep "Don't Cry"

Cowards - Forgotten Resonance CD
--After seeing them live I simply had to buy this. sounds range from simple string synth to blasts of crisp digital noise with heavily effected vocals.

Hands Rendered Useless - Deathbed Visions 2xCS
--I cannot stress just how much this tape stays in my deck. perfectly executed and totally unique sounds. Not sure how limited this was, but what a way to launch City Mortuary label. 

So many more releases I could mention here, but these 3 are my most listened to. RLD's sound is one all its own and in my opinion the cream of the crop in the american industrial scene. any other fanatics?


Yes, not just a great scene but incredibly down-to-earth and supportive group of artists. Not to mention talented.

Upcoming project with Ryan and Margaret called "Throat" has a release coming out on Weird which should be incredible based on their excellent live sets I've witnessed.


i've only seen a few youtube clips of throat, but this is exciting news indeed. Was it a few years ago that YT played april fools day at Wierd? Amazing performance of disgusting and disorientating modern musique concrète.


Quote from: GWNBF on April 02, 2012, 07:26:25 AMYellow Tears - Cult of YT 7" & CS
--Strange sounds of water hitting porcelain and gargling. extremely disturbing and in a similar vein as 12" ep "Don't Cry"



Red light district folks are pretty fucking top notch, especially Pharmakon (of course!). Cowards is incredibly vast in their ability to do beautiful pauses, quickly followed by harsh attacks.

However you did fail to mention Cathode Secretion Terror. The LP on RRRecords is incredible. The way they do PE is very much "stop and go", with quick changes and insane vocals. Futuristic bad vibes and completely and totally unique from any other PE artist I've ever heard.

GWNBF, you meant pee pee, not water.



heh, with a band name like Yellow Tears I figured the piss was implied.

I do have the Halflings RRR LP, but haven't checked out the cathode terror secretion LP. Probably should, as I loved John Mannion when he came though town.

Mme Deficit

They throw some pretty amazing annual events out there as well. Burning Fleshtival, anyone?


I was only able to attend the second Burning Fleshtival but what an event! Two hot and sweaty days spent in a basement drinking and thrashing to great noise.


Fistfuck Masonanie

Resurrecting an old thread as I've been discovering and revisiting many projects of the Far Rockaway community/group since the WCN interview.

There is so much to dig into between the very large collective/community of artists. Jeremy, Frank, and Ryan have multiple bands among each other like Yellow Tears or Halflings, and then John Mannion and Jesse Allen of The Cathode Terror Secretion, and then other projects like Hands Rendered Useless, Cowards, Diaphragm, Migrations in Rust, Teeny Bopper, and more.

The coverage between the recent Rocker issue and the WCN interview excavated so many details about the artists and the history of the community.

I love how a lot of the influence of Yellow Tears and Halfings stemmed from an early interest in Whitehouse and early power electronics and then expanded into pushing boundaries, expectations, and technical professionalism.

I think there is a lot to be discussed between their education in music production, recording techniques, and the results they produced.

I also think they are a great example of how computers can be utilized to amplify and complement noise to create something new and unique rather than replicate traditional pedal noise (Sorry Masami), even their early 2000s noise sounds fresh and inspiring today.

I just wanted to highlight some really great projects in the collective that might not have garnered the same attention. Nick Pace's Diaphragm is incredible in the detail and micro-tonal nature of the sounds he creates, Hands Rendered Useless touches on very low volume dynamics and also creates some incredibly intense power electronics, and Jesse Allen's Migrations in Rust explores some beautiful sound creation on the more minimal side of the spectrum.

I'm enjoying rediscovering or discovering some of these projects for the first time. I know these projects aren't "new" but I feel like there is still a lot to be explored or taken from their approach. As many discussions on the board have gone recently, there are still many angles or facets of power electronics to explore.


it is a bit wild that Pharmakon was going to be the breakout person in noise and then it never really happened


Quote from: excruciation on September 20, 2024, 01:26:30 AMit is a bit wild that Pharmakon was going to be the breakout person in noise and then it never really happened

Breakout in what sense?

Fistfuck Masonanie

I'm not super familiar with Pharmakon, but do know she was appealing to wider audiences at some point. I think getting on bills with non-noise acts and getting media coverage in non-noise publications. I don't think nearly to the same level but something like what Wolf Eyes saw in the early 2000's saw. 

I didn't realize James Cooke (Ahlzagailzehguh) was connected to this scene originally. The Yellow Tears collabs are excellent. One of the best American cut-up noise artists in general. That collection on Troniks is phenomenal. I really like his Stroma ambient-noise side project as well. The Solitary Escape escape tape is very good.