Quote from: Bondage Culture on August 07, 2012, 02:16:04 AM
Another great one: Einleitungszeit
Absolutely. They've come a long way without looking back or forgetting where they've been. The past couple of albums, Human Scrap and Die Infektion der Geburt, have been difficult to beat. One of their downfalls can be too many tracks, thus too many ideas, so these albums aren't incredibly cohesive; but track to track, there are some bona fide classics and top shelf powerhouses on them. Some of the sounds they get are not only unmatched, but they're also unique. Those albums may lack cohesion and lose their way [as albums], but they're skilled at everything they do. Every once in a while Gelsomina treads in similar waters.
Human Scrap
"Like a convoy of Tiger tanks and a squadron of war machines, this is some of the most destructive work they've done in years. I don't remember them ever getting this violent. It's less of a flowing album and more of a representation of the many highly skilled sides of Einleitungszeit over the course of 11 tracks. On the front side of the CD are a couple tracks of old school power-electronics ala the noisier side of Whitehouse, and I'm not using the that reference loosely. In the middle, there are a couple of inviting, menacing, cold, stark, dark ambient tracks, one of which has a soft spoken French woman reading throughout it. On the back end, you have a few tracks with vintage Einleitungszeit furnace blasts, hydraulic press steel manipulation, frying electronics, etc. One of the devastating industrial tracks is like an all-out viscous battle between a glass factory and a steel factory; some of the best sounds they've ever made. Fear not, for the final tracks are absolute triturators. If you think you like industrial sounds, if you think you know industrial music, you haven't experienced the pinnacle of the genre until you've heard these folks."