I listened ROBERT TURMAN "Beyond Painting" CD quite a lot when it came out. Now back on CD player. I do have several Turmans releases, but this might be favorite so far, despite it is... musical ambient stuff? Beyond Painting originally CDR in 2010, then vinyl in 2013 and CD reissue was done 2020.
It is almost shocking for me to admit, that one of most listened artist in last couple of years must be.... Steve Roach. Haha! I know. I actually bought couple of CD's, but those are not what I listen to really. Roach is like pragmatic muzak, to listen at night when going to sleep, or if I wake up in early morning, thinking its too early to wake up, but would be waste of time to lay in silence. So little dirty behavior is pick up one of several dozen 74 minute albums he has loaded on youtube and listen it with earphones. I'd hate to miss something on noise album due falling sleep. Missing something from ambient... do you miss anything? Maybe you are supposed to!
So, while having love/hate relationship with "ambient", some stuff I like, some stuff has pragmatic use. Robert Turman CD is a bit too composed, a bit too detailed, to be merely background music. It is really a piece of art, that one can appreciate as compositions, textures, the sound quality and so on. It is not merely background music. Of course Roach is art too, but there is something in it, what makes it difficult to consider it as album you listen to. Smooth background texture, that's how I relate to it.