"BOWEL DOCUMENTS A.D. 2012" zine is finally here!
In February 2012 I started a shit diary. Every time I took a dump, I wrote down a description of the experience, the texture, the color, the smell of my shit. I picked Twitter as media of choice, because its format seemed very appropriate at the time. For about a year I collected my impressions as dutifully as possible, and now I'm presenting this "annual report": a collection of all the entries in my diary from 2012.
I plan to keep on writing this diary for all my life, and publish the results on paper at the end of each year.
The first physical installment of Bowel Documents is a black and white, 24 pages, A5 format zine with text, pictures and illustrations. It's limited to 93 handnumbered and signed copies, each coming with an original ink drawing of an asshole. On request this can be a self-portrait, a portrait of the customer, or the asshole of some celebrity the customer fancies. Sky is the limit.
50 NOK plus shipping.
contact me at gurkeroboter(att)gmail(dott)com if interested.
Thanks to everybody who placed a pre-order! They will be shipped this week.