yea sunvox!! lightweight tracker with crazy modules --- jawohl!
heres an interesting article bout richard devine:! the workflow runs from the bottom of the page upwards..
the reason why i mention this article is to point out the following: even the mostest wizardest dude uses basically the same caveman technique as many of us here (at least i do, maybe someone else too) = collect all kindsa of sounds and arrange tons of (or just a few, depending) AUDIO clips to the order that works for the piece.. many steps in between = use device "x" for a small task, record it, then use software "xx" for another small task, export it or record it, then compile the piece from small/large exportings and recordings.. the same could be seen on a curtis roads interview online which i cant seem to find right now.. (c.roads resulting in some insane microtonal and granular explorations)
edit: found it in part 2 around 3mins... layered pieces...