I know FreakAnimalFinland was a bit annoyed earlier that this thread just focused on boring ass "click bait" type link mashing, with someone posting a link to some article headlined "Marxist professor says White People are Gay", and everyone agreeing that that's just plain false, and bemoaning PC. I think that's a valid point. I have another observation.
Has anyone noticed that "mainstream media" as well as the "PC Left" all of a sudden feel old and tired? There are similarities with something like American Evangelicals, in the sense that the values they hold dear are still pretty powerful (in certain circles) and they still have quite a bit of political clout, but all in all they feel somewhat out of touch and "on the wrong side of history". Their scandalizing articles feel more and more like some crap put out by Al Gore about the dangers of Rock and Roll and Rap, rather than politically relevant analysis. When the New York Times writes about the Donald Hitler, or when some boring homo writes an article accusing the far less boring homo Milo Yiannopoulos of islamophobia, isn't it obvious that the Donald Hitler and the Milo are far more fun than the New York Times? Does anyone buy into shit like "Black Lives Matter", and believe that Alabama Cops lynching black babies is a thing?
I'm not really making a case for hope, not at all, but it is kind of nice to see that the "progressive" crowd seems ever more out of touch. And the situation is actually far worse for them than it may seem, since you still have a huge pile of (older) people largely relying on the "MSM" for their information, and as they die, things will change (though they of course have replacements in the hysterical "not my president"-crowd, but I have a hunch these people are not as plentiful as it may seem). All that being said, there's still way too little quality stuff to replace the old media. While I, as someone standing slightly to the right of Tamerlane, would love to defend stuff like Breitbart without qualification, I still have to admit that they are superior only in a very limited sense (i.e. "white people are ok" and "immigration blows"), and otherwise pretty much tabloids. Being older now, I would have preferred a world in which the mainstream alternatives were flexible and decent enough to actually answer to the needs of... Well, anyone. There will be problems when this shit fails, I tells ya.
Still, it's all pretty dar'n exiting.