Quote from: Human Larvae on May 05, 2011, 12:46:19 AM
hypocritical in the sense that his motivations for converting to Islam are impure. It doesn't sound like he is in it for the god, but because he has a more motivated team with him. In my eyes he is taking the hamburger route. When in ten years he sees that all the terror they have caused hasn't brought any success he may move to the next team that looks promising. Will he have learnt anything from the Islam or even grasped it's essence? Probably not. For it is nothing but a tool. And I'm sure that counts for most of the other extremists. It's like a musician jumping in and out of bands, depending on how much success he thinks they will have. In that case, it's not about the music.
You are right, the journey is most likely to bring you the most self knowledge, but for that one should obviously stick to it. I just find it questionable when someone jumps from one extreme to the other. Gives me the impression that he is lost in general.
Mankind has brought forth so many religions, all proclaiming to be the only truth, preaching virtue and yet still, the world is in such a poor state. The only positive thing I found in Satanism was that contrary to most other religions it permits sin while still preaching a path of respectful coexistence.
This is true,... but only to the point, when we realize, that we can't really know what is his true faith? All we can do, is to see how he has followed his ideas against the stream for decades. With very little of "gain" other than what he feels is right?
A lot of faith, is simply based on what it can offer. Practical - just like the offerings of political islam.
I've seen few enlightements* happen. And they don't necessarily make sense. The people stay pretty much the same, they act pretty much the same, but necessity of getting "something", is there. And their sincerity in matters of faith I wouldn't question, as much as I could perhaps question their overall sanity, heh...
When one has the yearning and seeking something, and the divine answers, he can most certainly feel that all the nonsense spent before was just necessary route to find the correct way. Or that his aims and ideas, being always the same, yet clouded wrong "title".
This can be seen in many of the things. When people vaguely go for "satanism" or something like that, but in the end, their actual real calling all this time has been the liberal democracy. All the "anti-god", "burn churches" and such visions eventually reveal to be just the calling to criticize the "injustice" of conservative and irrational religion dominating their lives of oh so important free individuals?
I have often said it, but I do think there is severe lack of knowing, what exactly is wrong with things that are considered to be "bad" by the "transgressive" underground people. Where simple things like, why exactly would christianity be bad, remains often unasked? Why thelema would be good? Why islam would be shitty, and why maybe buddhist may rule? Bombarding of certain ideas makes it unnecessary to even ask oneself why to think this way. Conditioned responses of certain type of peer pressure. And at the most amusing case, it leads to situation, where "anti-christians" are the ones who share the ideals about 99% same as "christians". Simply feel more comfortable to categorize their ideals under other name, while having pretty much the same agendas.
This would be good question ask in case: Why should I study occult & esoteric? What it would give to me? If I know sentence like "do what thou wilt", what does it mean to me, if I can't even understand the concept of The True Will, or if I do understand, but don't believe in it? etc...
(edit * meaning, previously "regular bloke" turning into die-hard christians)