Boy Dirt Car Winter - F/I Split LP (Lexicon Devil): Ahead of it's time in many ways! This is my first time digging into the group - anyone got any recommendations or tid bits?
Trait Inspirationals (Arbeit Group/Sounds For Consciousness Rape/Industrial Recollections): Like an 80's tape-culture version of an otherwise bland death-industrial album; accidentally, of course. This is some tasty shit - as if Lunde ever disappoints (...much!).
Hands To Nazha (Animist/Manifold): The most beautifully cavernous and cold recordings I've heard in a very long time. I take back what I said earlier and do believe I'll be digging into Jerman's (at least early) catalog.
Hands To Artiment (Big Body Parts/Impulsy Stetoskopu): More variety, more cut-up-ish, but without some of the wonkiness that makes Brume or other similar projects sometimes painful.
Dissecting Table Human Qualification (UPD Org.): A wide range of Ichiro's styles covered here. Actually, I think maybe all of them from the past decade. A very, very varied set of discs. Insanely recommended!
Dissecting Table Twelves Limbs Of Dependent Origination (Psych.KG/UPD Org.): I feel drunk when I listen to any segment of this other immense undertaking. Normally, I wouldn't find much pleasure in a project putting out so many works, but Dissecting Table is always an exception to the rule. Some times I think about listening to the project for all of my 16-20 waking hours in a day to see if I'll be in some sort of LSD-like state by bed time.
Iron Fist Of The Sun Tears Royal (Unrest): Haven't pulled this out for some time. The last two full-lengths have only gotten better over time, but I think this is a bit too traditional in comparison. A really excellent album, but tends to not hold my interest for the whole length. Still, a project holding the limited throne of PE-loves for me.
Cosmic Church Ylistys (Kuunpalvelus): In a sense - a fantastic black metal album. In another sense - just a really great DLP of rehash. Thinking of Paysage D'Hiver, Burzum and a little too much Rahu (without a lot of the gravity that makes the project so damn good). Good. Expensive.
White Medal Blod O T'North Seeur/Yorkshire Steel/Guthmer's Hahl (Legion Blotan): This though...just what I fucking love! Great blend of that classic rehash sound, a faint sense of NSBM (if that's a sound...), and those great, low-end vocals that were missing from the debut(s). Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat...