Kontakt Der Junglinge – Makrophonie 1 cd
Surprise! 2014 studio effort from Asmus Tiechens - Thomas Koner super duo. Four consecutive live collabs, documented 2001 through 2003. After which pretty much bugger all. Recording date is curiously absent so I'll just pretend like we're picking up where n (2003) left off. Which is kind of what we are doing. n ventured some distance from earlier outings, sinking deeper into pools of languid, liquescent electronics, stepping quite clear of the industrial grade indulgences featured most prominently in 2002 highmark -1. Makrophonie 1 continues along the same path, nothing even mildly industrial grade about it. The effects of the studio are immediately felt: ultra deep brooding bass, coming in ultra slow rolling waves, just about as Koneresque a sinking as can be sunk, far deeper into languid, liquescent depths than previously plunged. Languorous, another adjective to drip... drip... drip... Drop... drop... drop... Droop. We are certainly going nowhere sloooooooow, not an unfamiliar sensation for the Konerhead, ever inclined to recline in the gentle drift of elegant, undulating, tranquility. At moments I'm inclined to perceive out-takes from Tiechens' long series of "Hydrophonie", at others aircraft engines downpitched to a blackened abyss. Shade of Tiechens croak, shadow of Tiechens creak, fog of static hiss, gasp of ghostly wail, approach of golden dawn, drawn out tinkling on porcelain ivories. Rich and sumptuous tapestries whatever the inclination, compositional sublimity to swallow you whole. At about the halfway point, a gathering of steam, grey-tinged washes wavering in yellowish clouds of near shimmer. This passes and thus to sink again, to slacken, unapologetic disinclination, arsed cannot I be, the deepest bass to expunge in rippling waves, flubbering cheeks, purest thunder, surface chimes meet shit-stuck-at-the-back-of-the-throat, satisfied belch, unhurried decline, gurgled huff, muffled puff. A nod of the head, another, gaseous hiss, tinkle, gurgle, snort, snooze.