got kinda tired of all the computer shit long ago and been just using the zoom H4 i have (at hi-rez if needed), recordin stuff with the mikes or pluggin stuff into line inputs. then just transfer the files via usb or card reader. just whatever is easiest. even when workin with tape recordings, how much easier can it be than transferring those to zoom? recommended!!
i cant remember if i've ever done traditional overdubs for umpio noise.
now the music stuff is different then. at pyramidi studio we have alesis multimix16 fw & reaper. in my workspace theres m-audio delta1010 & reaper. both on win7 and recycled pc's... old gear works for a long time to come... easy & cheap to replace... so whats the original question? what kind or what budget? for desktop computer find a pci card with cables/breakout... for laptop find usb/fw device... and no matter what you use, get external hard drives for CONSTANT backups.