Ryan, I get your point, but what I'm trying to say is there are other ways of looking at it. There's the "obvious" meaning, that Antipakt are upfront in putting across. But there are other meanings one can find, if one wants to. I've found F&V releases, and it's general aesthetic, very interesting in this regard.
War states "I like to think...", and that's what it comes down to; what people want to think. Same with me; I like to think there are other ways of looking at what Antipakt are doing with this release. I can take what they're doing at face value, or I can put my own meaning onto it. Or both. And this is a particularly interesting release to attach meaning to; I'm looking forward to getting it so I can get a real idea, not just reading about it on the 'net.
The choice of sperm, as opposed to any other bodily excrement, is important in itself; it's not just any other fluid. There's a lot of symbolism involved, and it is being used in a symbolic way. That involves a concious decision, but it's the unconcious feelings behind it I find interesting.
(By the way, I'd suggest speculation about Antipakt's involvement with crime be left off this forum, for obvious reasons).