Stuff For Sale - Update September 5, 2024 with Macronympha, RARE Vivenza CD

Started by 777was666, September 14, 2017, 07:32:57 PM

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悲劇の天才科学者 村井秀夫 - 巨聖逝く (Cass)

Rare original Shoko Asahara's tape released by a Japanese doomsday cult, AUM Shinrikyo.
This 279 pages book and cassette tape (includes music and speech by Shoko Asahara) set
was released in memory of Murai Hideo, who was stabbed to death by a yakuza.

Incapacitants - No Progress (Dedicated To Takuya "Synapse" Sakaguchi) (CD, Comp, RE)
David Peel & The Atomic Rock Orchestra - World War III (Cass, Album)



真理の御魂 最聖 麻原彰晃尊師 - 真理教、魔を祓う尊師の歌 (Cass)

Infamous AUM song made for propaganda, but the catchiest pop song Asahara has composed.
There exist two versions of this song with different lyrics and arrangement.
The song included on this cassette is an early version with a cheap arrangement.

Comes with a sheet with lyrics in Japanese.
The same program repeats on both sides.



アジタナーター・ウマーパールヴァティー・アーチャリー正大師 - 無常 (Cass, C40) - SOLD

Rare original the third daughter of Shoko Asahara, Acharya's tape released by a Japanese doomsday cult, AUM Shinrikyo.
This song was recorded when she was 11 or 12. Comes with a PR magazine VAJRAYANA SACCA first issue (VG+) as gift.



ウルヴェーラ・カッサパ正悟師 - 真理の鐘を待つ歌九首 (Cass, C20) - SOLD
- Rare original AUM Shinrikyo leader, Uruvela-Kassapa's tape released by a Japanese doomsday cult, AUM Shinrikyo. He composed a lot of music for Aum Shinrikyo, including Sonshi's March.

Various - Free Cassette Tape October 1998 (Cass, Comp) - SOLD
- Free compilation tape made to promote underrated artists from Sapporo, Hokkaido, such as Cry Havoc, Fox Hole Commune etc.

D.A.Z - Inpulsive Act (Cass, Ltd, Num) - SOLD