I want to recommend 2 really good movies from NETFLIX Originals, one is a documentary but anyway:
BEAST OF NO NATION: about a child soldier in some sub-sahara africa country, who faces all the atrocities of war under the leadship
of a charismatic but (as expected) not too sane commander-in-chief. Beautyful jungle mixes with intense violence and indoctrination
leading finally into a dead end for most of the young people. Based on the book writen by the young boy years later and so based on
a true story (which makes - as we all know - the best stories for the most part).
WINTER ON FIRE: a russian filmmaker witness to the ~90 days of "revolution" on Maidan plaza in Kiev, Ukraine. Without censorship and
utter violent and explosive moments, again fantastic pictures (view from the high a top over the plaze by night while buildings burn,
explosions and shots are fired, for example - complety in HD of course) and a deep look into the minds and hearts of the people fighting
there against the forces of Janukovich. I absolutly recommend this, regardless with whom you choose to side over this matter.