It is the way it is, either one agrees or not, it doesn't change. I have no problem waiting for years to get hold of the X impossible-to-find tape cause i know and have accepted the fact that more likely i wouldn't hold it at all, never, like many others. So if it comes, when it comes, is a very welcome gift. That i don't expect it to be cheap ofcource. Is someone who has a rare item an idiot ? He doesn't know what he has and how much money it worths in the market ? I don't think so ... Has anyone sold a rare item he had deadly cheap -intentionally- on a marketplace like Discogs ? Who ? If so, he has every right to ask others to do the same or accusing them if they don't.
Same for rips. I will be the first to download such a rip and say a thanks. But is it a big deal ? No. The same you will say about the item itself. OK, i am with you. The physical finding has more thrill, more excitement, more joy, more of an achievement, but after all ... Bazooka put it perfectly hehe. "Life doesn't feel better" .
Ask yourself, is that 20 minutes of music on the rare tape we want ? When we have hours and hours of other material from the same artist easily available ? With very few exceptions the answer is No. We -OK, i ll speak for myself- , I want something to want to. Meanwhile, i can live without it and i do.
People asking for rips. But have you people ripped your entire collection -or the rare ones- and shared it ?