HINGST “Ska vi älska så ska vi älska till Wall Riders”
Text: Marzipan Hooligan
(AAD records)
In this day and age where noise artists tend to add more than the traditional sound palette and head more towards ‘’soundart’’ its pretty refreshing how some still try to carry the torch of pure Harsh Noise. While personally I can dig many different sounds within the noise spectrum , I will always be a sucker for the “CRUNCH” . I came across Hingst a few years ago when JSH told me he was involved with another crunchy Harsh Noise project with Edvin Norling (Pollutant, Peking Crash Team).
Thematically this evolves all around oldschool gay pornography while the crunchy (almost but not yet) wallish noise does the trick. While many of you might already raise their eyebrows by the word wallish, its not what you think. This project is searching for the most crunchy texture as possible while they will keep the attention of the most restless listener.
The cd is a compilation of tapes that came out previously on Hingst Kassetter. Where did the idea to make a cd compilation come from?
Edvin: Not sure. At that point we had done a bunch of pretty limited tapes, and although we did re-release the s/t I think the demand for the Hingst back catalogue was high enough to warrant a compilation CD. I don’t really remember the reasoning to be honest. No one tells me anything in this fucking band.
Johan: Yeah, I asked AAD if they were interested in doing a compilation, since they had been very supportive of the both of us and our respective projects.
Thematically Hingst is all about oldschool gay pornography, some information about this ? Can you translate a few of the swedish titles for us non swedish speakers plus the thematics itself.
Edvin: Hingst is about studs and sleaze. There’s a lot of that stuff in old school gay porn. As for the titles, most of them reflect that people here (in Sweden) live pretty sleazy lives full of dirty sex, alcohol, and drugs. It’s not social commentary, it’s not some moral superiority thing; it’s a statement of facts. You see it every weekend. Hingst is a stud getting shitfaced, hitting on denim-clad single mothers at a shitty rock bar.
Johan: Hingst is stud/stallion in Swedish, so we choose images that fit the project name. The titles are a blend of the sleaze Edvin mentions and situational stuff. Our first track is called “Hingst at Phil’s Burgers on Gullmars” which is where we had lunch before going to our first recording session. It can also be a play on song titles or stuff, like the tape on Petite Soles. It was a “Hingst-ification” of the title of the anthem written for the Swedish soccer team for the ‘94 world championship.
Nowadays harsh noise artists are trying to explore more the sound palette while HINGST strongly believes in the purity of Harsh Noise. Hence the declaration in the cd ‘’This is Swedish Pure Breed Harsh Noise’’ Do you see your sound as some kind of necessity or purely the way you want noise to sound?
Edvin: To me the “philosophy” (if you can call it that) behind Hingst is dead simple. The purity aspect comes from our method – one take, straight to tape, no post processing. What you hear is what we heard. Some might view that as an excuse for being lazy and not caring about how we sound. Nothing is further from the truth. Sound is everything. We just polish our sound before recording rather than afterwards. It’s not interesting to record 30 minutes of great harsh noise if you do it in one minute segments; it’s significantly more interesting to record 30 minutes of great harsh noise in one go. If it doesn’t sound good straight to tape, why do I bother? I have better things to do than polishing turds in some fucking DAW.
Johan: I don’t believe in the constant mantra of “bringing something new to the table”. We’re bringing something old to the table, because that’s what we want to have.
Fuck your fusion cuisine.
The english translation of the comp is ‘’If we’re going to make love, we’re going to make love to Wall Riders’’ Although crunch wise there is definately a HNW element. Sonically the sound is more varied and suprising. How would you explain the nod to the Wall Riders tag?
Edvin: Wall Riders is one of two good HNW releases ever made.
Johan: It’s a play on a shitty song by the worst band in Swedish history, Gyllene Tider. The original title translates to “If we’re going to make love, we’re going to make love to Buddy Holly”, we just changed it to Wall Riders, because 1) that’s a fucking amazing release and 2) as a nod Heinz Hopf for their “Klart man har Wall Riders på mobilen”.
In what way do you see HINGST evolve in the future.
Edvin: More crunch. More live shows. More Elk Brew.
Johan: I second that.