I was curious to know what everyone's favorite collaborative type albums are and by that I mean, for example like when Bizarre Uproar and Ride For Revenge teamed up to make an entire album together, but doesn't necessarily mean having to be limited to a "duo" like collaboration album, rather anytime an album featured artists working together as one force of noise chaos! My perticular favorite in these types of collaborations has always been and probably will always be when Scatmother and Yasuhito Fujinami teamed up under the project name Entartun and for those of you who have not checked this self titled CD out, I cannot recommend it enough! It's like a modern day Whitehouse approach, but with more industrial and harsh noise type elements mixed in to the overall power electronics savagery. Curious to know what are all your favorites, or what types of collaborations you'd like to see in the future that you'd like to see happen as well!