I'm alwaysmultireading, which means all books take a little longer to finish. Right now there's been a lot of psychoanalytic writers, something I've widely ignored earlier but which recently started to draw my attention. It is uite entertaining to study these abstract systems of thought.
I started on Julia Kristevas "The Power of Horror: An essay on abjection" but I haven't gotten very far yet as it is quite dense.
Slavoj Zizeks "Survival in the endtimes" in which he describes the global crisis in terms of the stages of grief. Very entertaining. It's a brick of a book and I do enjoy it so far. The book is mostly spent dissecting capitalism and christianity in a humorous but sharp way.
Also "Viennese Actionism" from some spanish publishing company. Over 400 pages, mostly photos - beautifull documentations, both b&w as well as many in vivid color, of their performances, each of the main artists get a lot of representation. Also original texts translated and transcribed, mostly from Muehl and Brus, but there is some from all. Relatively expensive but well worth it.
I try to re-read Kathy Acker's "Empire of the Senseless" every now and then, I love that book.
Also, Gene Wolfes "Book of the New Sun" one of my favourite sci-fi/fantasy, probably due to its many unconventional aspects.
Every now and then I also re-read Batailles "the eye", which is without doubt the most powerful reading revelation I've ever had. I'm lucky I first read as a teenager not really exposed to much of the things I've encountered after. That was probably the only time I ever felt sick (as in overridden) by a litterary experience.