I had ordered Rebellion VA and The Herzliyya Boardwalk tape about a month after their announcement / release. They came in zero time. Then i ordered 2 tapes more, Hentaitenno and The English Method. Still waiting ... From last year's July i think. I hope they will arrive somewhen, i am pretty sure they will, just instict. But i need more of the stuff he has announced, and need these tapes to arrive to move on for more.
Art Into Life had copies of the new tapes, don't know how many, but these releases exist.
About S&Q releases, i guess the guy added them in Discogs is one of them. Now i see some releases have more haves than just him -last time i had checked it was just him- . Not sure if new havers actually recieved their copies or just ordered and added them. Or if they are from Art Into Life's stock.