Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on May 13, 2011, 01:28:03 AM
Can anyone here describe the 'Waitress' editions that came with the limited Creation 'collected Sotos'? Or the contents of Crows & Repertoire
The Waitress I have is pretty much just interviews and material from other books (like Predicate and C&C) seemingly placed together at random with some new stuff like a babysitting adventure when Sotos was a teen, injected in between.
Crows is "illustrated" and shows the images that Index was suppose to have in it, he writes about this in the beginning of Lordotics -
"The original manuscript of Index came with pages of xeroxes from underground catalogs, personal letters from cops and perverts and favorite pictures." No pictures or cop letters but it has a bunch of scans from catalogs like the Slave & Master catalog, Superlive, order form for Gymnastics teaching videos, some personal ad's from "Hedonist Society" of people asking for CP photos (these same ads can also be found in an Issue of Pure, forgot which), swingers ad's, scans from a review of a series called "Oriental S&M" and a 3-4 pages hard to read copy of some note about some gay lovin'. The writing itself in Crows is just a few pages, 7 to be exact, and I don't remember much of what it talked about so the text part of it obviously didn't make much of an impression. Like all of the material in the back of the "Collected Sotos" books the text is suppose to "shed light on the themes and motivations behind the three books". Crows is in Private so it is suppose to deal with Index, Show Adult and Selfish, Little.
I have yet to read Repertoire but I will get around to it soon. It's the only reason I bought Public since I own C&C, Predicate and Lazy already.