Decided to ruin my morning with the new Shining album. I already knew it would suck but as a huge Shining fan I still had to check it out (something I shouldn't have done). The album starts with kinda old school Shining feel and to my surprise it's like that throughout the complete album... strange decision in my opinion. First track sounds over-compressed to me and I can't but be irritated by the overall production. Famine does his thing perfectly but the music is just dull. Then it's the second track, once again shitty sound quality. Attila delivers his basic, yet interesting, vocals but can't save the track. Third track is just retarded with silly synth sound throughout the track and if I'm not completely mistaken there's even a fucking drum machine in this track (!!!). Next track is with a fag, namely Ghaal, and it indeed sounds gay. Those torturous synth lines feels like having Ghaal's cock up my ass. Don't know his role in this track but I kinda liked the vocals. Music is also quite interesting but once again the sound is just terrible, especially when bass drum kicks in. Black Industrial Misery is an overkill version of the original with Maniac on vocals. Doesn't do anything for me. The last track, Through Corridors Of Oppression, is one of my favorite older Shining tracks and I can't hear too much differences to the original. Nice to have at least one good track on this album but seems like they simply took it from the split 7" with Dolorian.
I'm still in shock... I mean why would they recycle their old ideas when they had good thing going. I know not all of you are going to agree with me but I personally think Shining was on top of their game during Halmstad. From there onwards it has been downhill. Klagopsalmer, Född Förlorare and Redefining Darkness had their stand out tracks but in my opinion they didn't hold out as an album as well as Halmstad. As for this new album, Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd, I can say right away that this is the end. Now Kvarforth can freely end his misery...