HABEEB "Initiation Into Nothingness" biz card cdr
PacRec 05
Handful of CDR's from artists on labels like Pac rec, Deadline, Somnambulant Corpse,.. Weird moment to experience such a "heavy dance" on these discs. Just steady, quite slow paced techno one could dance to. Or lets say, someone. Not me.
LEFTHANDEDDECISION "Argyle" biz card cdr
PacRec 01
Disc that started this massive biz card disc series. I made decision some years ago, to start selling away CDR's. Just didn't feel like I would need CDR's, and it was touch decision to make as some good stuff exists only as CDR. So I made also couple small exceptions. Stuff I got as gift from close friends or bands I'm associated to. Finnish stuff. And basically I decided to keep all these small discs as they take so little space, I can't really say space problems would be solves by getting rid of these. I remember how nice it was to receive always batch of 3-5 new discs, what are very compact and fast to listen few times. Not to mention many are actually really good. Lefthandeddecision offers blunt straight forward harsh noise. One could easily compare this with Foboff disc mentioned before. Digital clarity of recording makes distortion pedal grain almost glitchy sounding, but at the same time, full on heavy duty harsh blast is good for me.
STIMBOX "5:51" biz card cdr
Pac Rec 14
Perhaps this wasn't best era of Stimbox. I feel he was at his best on tapes. But is this good? It is! I only think the crisp line-in recording of harsh noise could be done better. It can be buried into saturation of tape format quite well, but as plain digital release, some sounds appear too little amplified. But as overall work, timing, dynamics, diversity of sound sources, density of layering = very good job here. Perhaps simply due all sorts of drama, Stimbox is in quite lame position. Although I'd guess many don't even know what I'm talking about, but that's even better. It would be nice to remember Stimbox from handful of killer releases than about anything else.
MR. NATURAL "Raisins in my toast" biz card cdr
Gender-Less Kibbutz
No idea when this came out. I assume c. 2005? No catalogue number or year. This is John Sharp who also did great stuff as part of Blazen Y Sharp. I've said it many times before, but it seems like complete outsider in noise scene. Lots of gigs, lots of stuff released, but somehow totally outside of international scene? All Mr. Natural stuff is him scratching weird woodend branch with wires and metal objects attached to it. Just couple delay pedals, this object and nothing else. Stuff somehow makes me think of Hands To or such things, even if sounding totally different. Some hand made feel, odd echoes, unpolished frequencies. Never noise per se, but just experimental sound works with intensity.
OCHU "Dedicated to Treriksröset" biz card cdr
Swedish harsh noise. Basically dedication to Treriksröset puts this Ochu recording into quite similar rugged, bass heavy, manually smashed harsh noise. Compared to Foboff, Ldh, Stimbox and all those, this has more dirt, less line-in feel, more physical and concete feel. Good stuff for lovers of bassy rumbling noise chaos, although hardly relevant release compared to brilliant Ochu tapes. I believe this was the last PacRec biz card series, and then label was associated with mid price factory pressed CD's.