Menstraution Sisters Puppet Island: vocal vomit, a voice eating itself...silence and then the subtle chime of bells, suddenly the voice becomes more prominent (only for a few seconds) and then the chimes go straight into the red, feedback hovering in open ambience after every clank...explodes into a massive drone of untuned/detuned guitar feedback as one string is plucked, light use of cymbals, patterns emerging on the kit helping to pull together semblance (maybe), shit is loud, penetrating feedback with seemingly little to no effects. Some kind of primitive take on music, strange vocals barely audible, sounds childlike and disturbed. Several minutes in and it's only become denser with the guitar only used subtly more than the beginning. Crushing sound...guitar begins to deconstruct, strings stretched way out as strange vocal patterns hum along eeriely. Side two, in the red, maybe the recording device is damaged or being adjusted. Cymbals spare as guitar enters, the riff is almost catchy, the most bizarre strangled vocals, somewhere between a cat hissing and grux of Caroliner, doesn't even sound like a recognizable language. Pummeled drums hold together the "song"...second track on side two begins with electric buzzing, slowly building into a cloud of amplifier feedback. It's so dense if feels palpable. Electric scree and incoherent ramblings from the abyss. The storm just misses...sides 3 & 4 to follow.