Having no interest in your own scene

Started by martialgodmask, June 22, 2016, 12:04:11 AM

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I dont think the offense was that it was a sampler, so much as a sampler with black and white keys. The horror!
You have defiled the temple with the very insinuation of twelve tone equal temperament.


Generally speaking, gear snobbery is fucking stupid as is any attitude which suggests that one way of making music is 'better' or somehow more legitimate than another. 

That said, there is nothing wrong with having critical faculties about you....and criticising laptops or samplers or whatever else is often just shorthand for saying 'this person is indistinguishable from 100 other people doing that with their laptop or sampler.'

Personally, nothing gets me more prepared for a snoozefest than spotting a table full of pedals and gadgets these days.


Yea, regarding gear I don't really have any dogmatic views. There are several artist that utilize computers in ways that I think are extremely interesting and just for portability sake I tend to understand. It may not be the most interesting thing visually very few things are. I find pedals to be extremely boring and tend to be lean more towards organic/acoustic material (processed or not). Even though I am a great admirer of harsh noise the overwhelming sameness of approach/sound leaves me extremely empty and I am not driven to seek out new stuff.


Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 04, 2016, 09:52:41 AM
Gear snobbery is an entire thread of its own. How much contempt there can be over the use of laptops yet people think nothing of someone who just performed a set consisting of entire tracks dumped onto a SP 404.

we can enter the endless analog vs digital feud discussion eheh
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I remember one genius on a forum talking about how if a sampler is used it should be an analogue sampler. Righto!

Back on topic. Just re-read parts of an interview with one stuck up old timer who thinks a cull in the genre is a good idea. According to him there are too many people making music today. The poor cripple just assumes he wouldn't be one of the selected against the wall for being decrepit and shit.
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Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 05, 2016, 11:43:49 AM
According to him there are too many people making music today.

This is quite popular opinion. At least have been. Especially in more elitist genres. One may come to conclusion that there are some reasoning what can be understood, yet mostly bottom argument - at least between the lines - is that this person feels he isn't getting what he deserves as everybody else is stealing his possibility to blossom. Be it selling stuff, being talked about, etc.

Few times was talked with guys who have been around long, and disappointed, that industrial / noise didn't grow. That still after decades, tape sells 50 or 100. Album couple hundred. But reality is that it has grown a lot, but instead of vertical growth, it's just horizontal. Huge swamp of stuff where you can't really climb anywhere. If that reality seems disturbing, I think one may have odd expectations. It is still possible to reach quite large area of this swamp, but it requires involvement and investing more time & energy than it seemingly gives back.

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Dedication and effort are two main drives that far too many people tend to forget.
The feeling that you are left out or would deserve more should make you think that your stuff either suck or you are not promoting it in the proper way according to today's codes (this relating to man old farts complaining they don't get enough recognition).

Last but not least, the interest for what you are doing may be low because tastes has changed and evolved. It is not necessarily because of trends or fashion, but because there are many elements at play...

Think about the decade of neo-folk, martial industrial that basically monopolized a big slice of the pie. Not many are left of that age, and this is because probably most things you could say about the subject have been already said and only a very few remain to the joy of nostalgic like me and the horror of those who hated the pompous atmosphere and over-the-top aesthetic.

Blaming other people is always wrong. Stop moaning about other people's success and do your stuff.

Of course I get annoyed myself about certain phenomenons, especially when they create conceptual misunderstandings about something I take very seriously (see most of what was referred hipster noise, but this could work with other styles).

I think most of the time these grumpies should stop complaining on FB, and go back into underground mentality. networking, self-production, and remember that they do this mostly for themselves....

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Quote from: Fluid Fetish on June 22, 2016, 03:44:29 AM
Burzum was another good example to use, he definitely has no idea how useless his current output is and that his time has come and gone, and other people are doing what he is trying to do now much more efficiently.

What do more Efficiently? To make Money, acting like a Rock Star, Focus on Mainstream Music?

Burzum never intendet to be "Just Music" and i think thats an important point to loose interest in a Scene. Many People in Black Metal (Musicians, Labelmaker and "normal" Black Metaler) lost interest in a Scene which arent "their" Scene anymore. I have had the same Situation in the Black Metal Scene, when the Mainstream Attitude overcome and the most important Part in the Scene was the Record Collection instead the Ideology in the Movement. That was a Point why i went more into Noise/Power Electronics.
The Black Metal Scene Vikernes knew went to this:

Satyricon plays now next to Fun Bands like J.B.O or Knorkator, i would asume that you won't like see Whitehouse or Genocide Organ plays as Opener for a Justin Biber Cover Band. I guess it doesn't fit well. Black Metal is just fucking drink, Party and making Money. Its Mainstream and Pop Culture in the Surface. You must Dig a lot deeper to find something good and Special.

Fluid Fetish

Quote from: Goat93 on July 05, 2016, 08:13:35 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on June 22, 2016, 03:44:29 AM
Burzum was another good example to use, he definitely has no idea how useless his current output is and that his time has come and gone, and other people are doing what he is trying to do now much more efficiently.

What do more Efficiently? To make Money, acting like a Rock Star, Focus on Mainstream Music?

Burzum never intendet to be "Just Music" and i think thats an important point to loose interest in a Scene. Many People in Black Metal (Musicians, Labelmaker and "normal" Black Metaler) lost interest in a Scene which arent "their" Scene anymore. I have had the same Situation in the Black Metal Scene, when the Mainstream Attitude overcome and the most important Part in the Scene was the Record Collection instead the Ideology in the Movement. That was a Point why i went more into Noise/Power Electronics.
The Black Metal Scene Vikernes knew went to this:

Satyricon plays now next to Fun Bands like J.B.O or Knorkator, i would asume that you won't like see Whitehouse or Genocide Organ plays as Opener for a Justin Biber Cover Band. I guess it doesn't fit well. Black Metal is just fucking drink, Party and making Money. Its Mainstream and Pop Culture in the Surface. You must Dig a lot deeper to find something good and Special.

No, not act like a rockstar, break through the mainstream, or make lots of money. I meant people playing his style of black metal, espousing his type of ideologies, and doing actually new and different things in the style. After Filosofem Burzum wasn't the same anymore and he wasn't the same person any more and it shows in his music because the bottom line is, he isn't a violent fucking fanatic/psychotic kid any more who created a whole different style of black metal no one had heard before along with actually practicing what he preached. He's not that kid anymore, and the times aren't the same any more obviously. Although in many ways I agree that modern black metal is a watered down and little girl version of it's former self, there are always exceptions and there are much better bands then modern Burzum (not old burzum though) in black metal today, and there are people just as out of their minds if not more so then him now walking around.

Just because all the old norweigian bands are sell out rock stars or all your friends are record collecting faggots shouldn't have ANY affect on your interest, involvement, or dedication to your passions and interests and if they do, then I almost pity you (I'm speaking generally here and not attacking you). I couldn't give less of a shit what people do with their worthless, aimless lives and it definitely does not affect my interest level or personal life beyond the surface.

This is the problem most people have it seems like. "So and so scene is full of materalists/posers/faggots/mainstream/rockstars/whatever so now I no longer have an interest. HOW DARE ALL THESE PEOPLE AND BANDS LET ME DOWN! I'm going to move onto something else....while still recording the same style of music I supposedly no longer care about". Fucking laughable in my opinion. I can respect Varg for doing what he wants to do regardless of circumstances but to whine and bitch because your precious scene let you down to me is so pathetic and shows that most people are just biproducts of their enviornment, which apparently has more of an influence on them then anything else.


Quote from: tiny_tove on July 05, 2016, 02:45:35 PM
Blaming other people is always wrong. Stop moaning about other people's.

This pretty much. Just do your own thing and enjoy your ride. Never really understand the jealousy/envy/hatred/dislike within scene's, yeah some people and cliques are shit. Who cares.

If you have time to complain, you also have time to take action.


yeah that's pretty much why I hopped off of punk rock.  About around 92 or 93 it just changed from being a really wide open thing which included bands from the Butthole Surfers through to Amebix and of course all that Dischord shit.
Then overnight it was just mainstream pop punk (Green Day) or lame generic hardcore.

As far as 'tables full of gadgets', I once had to tell a date we were leaving because the headliners had a microkorg. Yeah I'm that guy.  I judge and act as kind of not giving a damn about their sound if they are just using gimmicky toys like that. If they were serious about having keys in their act they would get a real keyboard like a Rhodes. If they were sincere about having synths, they would get legit synths like, well any one of the solid, programmable synths that have flexible, expressive architectures.
The Microkorg is just a piece of trash made to be sold at Guitar Center and Sam Ash.

Of course trying to explain all that was a bit much so I just said 'because these guys are fucking poseurs'. Later it turned out they were some Brooklyn famous hipster band. Good call.

But I've also seen some people do well with a pile of noisemakers and pedals.


Quote from: Duncan on June 30, 2016, 12:56:03 PM

In any case, I'm friendly with most people here whether or not I enjoy their music, but you can tell there are several folk who only listen to any kind of experimental music or noise when playing it or watching their friends do so.

This is one of the things that seems mythical to me.  I don't know anyone that fits this category.  I do not know a single noise artist that is only listening to noise that they or their friends do.  Whether or not they are buying it is another matter.   I experience some cliquey-ness, but in that I entirely don't blame them.  I am not nearly as keen on doing shows with strangers as I used to be.   BUT I wouldn't say that those people never listen to noise outside of their friends' material. 

And this is going back to the "laptop/kaos pad" assertion, I have almost never seen this.  The people I have seen use a laptop, either A; used it as less than 50% of their total set, and/or B:  absolutely killed it, like for instance X Terminal (whom I have only seen on youtube, but met a few times), Cornucopia, and Brain Transplant.  The only exception for me is John Wiese, that is the only noise artist that has done absolutely nothing for me up to this point, and only used a laptop, but he's obviously got some diverse approaches, at least in terms of now working with ensembles and whatnot, and the "scene credentials" to have achieved what he has achieved.

I just think it's funny how things are divided so much.  For instance, I don't even know how to go about knowing all of the musique concret/academic people in my town.  I can subscribe to their email lists individually, or I can hope to hear about it happening at some museum, or occasionally a DIY art space, but there is no "noise scene" for them, that I'm aware of, it's just a bunch of people hustling and schmoozing with art spaces, so far as I can tell.   

I am all for shows that are extremely diverse; synth wizards, academics, PE, Industrial, Noise, Harsh Noise, Dark Ambient, Sound Collage/cut ups, etc.  I would even throw in some metal, synth pop, "power noise", free jazz, noise rock, etc.   Instead, what I see happening is a ghettoization of people wanting everything to be the same, thinking they have the formula for sincerity or "good noise", or otherwise, the connection to the "source", whether it is nostalgia or gear configurations or what have you. 

I personally would love to see Ilhan Mimaroglu come back from the dead and play with a laptop.  So far as I can tell, his last current (not previously unreleased etc) album was in 1983.  I love seeing Morton Subotnick with a laptop.  It's a matter of what people do with it that is different and exciting but most importantly, you can tell that they are presenting concepts that are also exciting to them, not marketing schemes or being simply "obnoxiously ambitious". 

I still find the noise "scene" to be a break from the gear elitism of rock/metal scenes, where things are dynamic and constantly moving.  I still feel like experimental sound is the only thing that can really break ground in this period of time, but part of that distinction is understanding that people have to start somewhere, and especially now, sometimes they start with their laptop ("hipster noise" as it were), and because of all of the "workshop" type of noise artists who seem more interested in making weird sounds than doing something that is not boring with them, some people become tired of looking for the things that actually thrill them, especially when you have entire shows that sound considerably similar. 

I have recently come to a point where I can't take people seriously when they say they "only buy tapes", maybe a predisposition to vinyl is understandable, but to me this is more a level of merchandising than enthusiasm.  I still buy anything by an artist that I'm into.  I do not understand format problems. 

To sum up, I don't know what interview this is in regard to, but if they don't make enough money to live on, chances are they are still listening to noise that isn't what they produce, it's just that they don't have time for the overwhelming amount of divisiveness, with regard to quality, openness/too many sloppy/boring artists, elitism, and what-have-you.  Chances are, unless they're Merzbow, they are still, even if they are not listening to "the scene", are listening to things around them for inspiration to keep doing what they're doing, probably also some experimental sounds, even if it is a synth intro to a depressive/suicidal metal album, especially if they continue to do noise even though they can't make a living at it.   I'm sure whoever said it, would like to be perceived as an "empty vessel" who generates ideas on their own, and maybe they are.  I doubt it, though.   
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.


Quote from: Fluid Fetish on July 05, 2016, 09:30:37 PM
No, not act like a rockstar, break through the mainstream, or make lots of money. I meant people playing his style of black metal, espousing his type of ideologies, and doing actually new and different things in the style. After Filosofem Burzum wasn't the same anymore and he wasn't the same person any more and it shows in his music because the bottom line is, he isn't a violent fucking fanatic/psychotic kid any more who created a whole different style of black metal no one had heard before along with actually practicing what he preached. He's not that kid anymore, and the times aren't the same any more obviously. Although in many ways I agree that modern black metal is a watered down and little girl version of it's former self, there are always exceptions and there are much better bands then modern Burzum (not old burzum though) in black metal today, and there are people just as out of their minds if not more so then him now walking around.

Just because all the old norweigian bands are sell out rock stars or all your friends are record collecting faggots shouldn't have ANY affect on your interest, involvement, or dedication to your passions and interests and if they do, then I almost pity you (I'm speaking generally here and not attacking you). I couldn't give less of a shit what people do with their worthless, aimless lives and it definitely does not affect my interest level or personal life beyond the surface.

This is the problem most people have it seems like. "So and so scene is full of materalists/posers/faggots/mainstream/rockstars/whatever so now I no longer have an interest. HOW DARE ALL THESE PEOPLE AND BANDS LET ME DOWN! I'm going to move onto something else....while still recording the same style of music I supposedly no longer care about". Fucking laughable in my opinion. I can respect Varg for doing what he wants to do regardless of circumstances but to whine and bitch because your precious scene let you down to me is so pathetic and shows that most people are just biproducts of their enviornment, which apparently has more of an influence on them then anything else.

Funny that you mention since Filosofem, since most People back then talk about Burzums Death with this Album. I think you misunderstood me. I won't talk about any People letting me or anyone else down, the Ideology< of the Scene changed so Dramatically that i can't identify me with it for some Time. And to try to change this Ideology is like Attacking Windmills. We#re talking about the "Scene" in generell and not only my or your Living Room. Maybe better to understand, imagine you went to a Event with Flyers full of "Industrial, Noise, Power Eelctronics" and in the End the Music is just Dancefloor Techno with some Wannabe Goths. Since there are some rally good Noise Events you drive to it and of 10 Events 8 are with Dancefloor and 2 are with Noise. At a Point you loose interest to invest Money, Time and Nerves to get 2 good and 8 Shit Events and you look for something else or make your own Event. Its not the Music, its the Attitude and the Image where changed to Directions the People can't stand anymore. So you look for something which fits better than hanging out with a bunch of idiots, cause you drive yourself into the borders of a "Scene".


burzum's new records are still good actually


I think especially in the midwest, people are caught either trying too hard, or not trying hard enough.  I think as a "noise artist" or whatnot, it's good to be in the middle of that, with one foot in the stone age and one foot in the modern age.  Other people have different opinions about it.  And people are different.  Merzbow may have arguably done his best work when he was involved in the scene, but his work still stands apart, and didn't follow a model too closely. 
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.