just a few attacks/gig cancelled thanks to these gentlemen. No jokes, they were triggered by people spreading shit on line via hear-a-say on non-nazi bands.
People got hurt, gear/vans got smashed/stolen, girls intimidated, and antifas who got caught cried injustice in court/hospital.
http://switzerland.indymedia.org/fr/2008/10/63612.shtml 40 vs 8 people (3 women). lionhearts.
I was involved in a couple of occasion and it was so stupid.
I could add these people making pressure and demanding to speak with us in different occasion "in their ground", something I always refused to do since they are no authority.
Funnily enough those who questioned me directly always went away either friendly (Holland was a blast) or even more confused to say the least (Italy).
These people cannot accept the fact that truth is non-binary an is post-ideological, that the "arts" (sorry for the term) are not necessarily of civil use, and that social criticism does not necessarily have to fit an agenda.
There is people who lost jobs because of these gits, I have seen so much pressure on some guys that they were only doing their things that some marriages got broken... and I am not exaggerating.
They can do whatever they want, they can live their partisan dream, I don't care, but they can't complain if some people get pissed off if they spread LIES.