only minor complaints , no big deal or whatever (but enough for me to swear to myself no support ever for these people again):
Retro from Poland , ordered few CDR's from him , while he was still heading the "Far From Showbizz" label , back in 2007 .... i tried to get him to send it untill 2010 , after that i basically just gave up , was only 10 EUR. anyway...
Dr.Alex / D.B.C. etc...... sent him 15 EUR. for the VOMIR 4xCDR boxset with early works , 6 months later i asked him where the damn thing was staying and i got a reply something like "they're all gone , if you want i can send you MP3's" ......well , how cool , as if was going to pay 15 EUR. for a few hands full of mp3's , duh! ... was only 15 EUR. like said , in itself not such a big deal but the disappointment can't be expressed in valuta , hence this mention here...