Conspiracy Theories - including Crazies

Started by HongKongGoolagong, June 21, 2012, 05:05:55 PM

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Quote from: Jordan on January 24, 2013, 05:17:19 AM
I'm more into collecting xeroxed flyers/wall posters/communiques that schizophrenic people post around town than any sort of "official" conspiracy theories,
There's some pretty intense ones in my area, this guy who runs some semblance of a barber's shop flyposts in-depth screeds over the shop front and around the neighborhood:

I've seen this lady about town too:


Having been a Discordian (and Subgenii) for most of my life, I find Kerry Wendell Thornley's all out crazy conspiracy theory stuff kind of sad, although, under the circumstances, I can surely understand what led him there. At times he was an intelligent, funny, and charming man, even long after his complete disconnect with reality. He could also be a jerk, for instance, he banished his son from his deathbedside because he wasn't laughing at his jokes, and ended up pretty miserably, especially at the very end.

Anyway, I've been rereading the Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK thing that Sondra London put together, and thought I'd post it here. I really didn't like what she was doing with him, found it very exploitive, but I could never really piece together the story from the scattered issues of The Decadent Worker that I had, and other sources. Pretty crazy stuff. All that stuff inspired me to read The Report Of The Warren Commission as a young teen, and I think that it's probably pretty accurate, though I'll admit that it's probably pretty likely that Oswald was crazy and put up to it by Mafioso types. I have a schizophrenic friend who believed that he was a Russian Mafia/KGB agent who got pretty close with some HAs and did some crazy things for them, and I'm pretty sure that's a pretty big thing in organized crime, you know, to get crazy people to do things so if they testify against them, they'll be pretty easy to discredit. Anyway, the "book" or whatever is here:

There's also this: - which deals with his belief that he was the product of Nazi Vril society breeding programs. Incidentally, TOTSE first hacker groups I got interested in in the post-Commodore 64 days (which ran pretty late for me) and they provided me with all sorts of wonderful information about phreaking, much of which still worked in the small town with a local telephone service provider who hadn't modernized at all that I grew up in. It's also how I found information for one of my stepfathers on how to build a still, which resulted in the deaths and blindings of a friends relatives two towns over. Great stuff.


Sondra London being exploitative again - well there's a surprise.

Kerry Thornley's ramblings are pretty sad, although Norman Mailer in his excellent and definitive book on Lee Harvey Oswald "Oswald's Tale" treats Thornley's testimony on LHO with respect and seriousness - like anyone who looks at the JFK case, Mailer is himself bewildered and the book has no real conclusion, just presents all sorts of mysterious facts on his life.

Is there a possibility Discordianism can open one up to dark and hidden currents? In Robert Anton Wilson's "The Cosmic Trigger" a series of strange coincidences, synchronicities and low-level murky magic lead horrifyingly yet it seems inevitably to the murder of the author's daughter. A very sad story. While I carry a POEE Pope card in my wallet myself which always gives cops a laugh, I don't trust that crazy bitch Eris one bit. Hell I'd trust "Bob" above her!


'We have just received incredible expirience from one of our listeners, that in date was attacked by demonic reptilian entities'


Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on February 04, 2013, 05:57:26 PM
Is there a possibility Discordianism can open one up to dark and hidden currents? In Robert Anton Wilson's "The Cosmic Trigger" a series of strange coincidences, synchronicities and low-level murky magic lead horrifyingly yet it seems inevitably to the murder of the author's daughter. A very sad story. While I carry a POEE Pope card in my wallet myself which always gives cops a laugh, I don't trust that crazy bitch Eris one bit. Hell I'd trust "Bob" above her!

Having taken my Discordianism fairly semi-seriously in my younger days, I must admit that all of my experiences in that realm, via discordian meditation and general "surfin' on synchronicity" kind of stuff were pretty all around positive, except for perhaps precipitating an even further disconnect with reality, which I guess is kind of good and bad.

I wouldn't trust "Bob" for shit. I had a lot of big fights on the Subgenius IRC channel many years ago with Ivan Stang, and I can't stand most of the people in charge of the church nowadays. At least 5-6 years ago, I guy I knew vaguely from my time in Hamilton was a pretty high up on account of doing web design for them. I love the stuff from the early eighties, which is unfortunately way before my time, and I've been an official member since '96 or so, but yeah, it's been a pretty dismal scene forever. I almost attended an X-Day Drill once, but some unfortunate events popped up and got in the way.  In the end, I'm pretty glad I ended up missing it.


I'd forgotten this one but unbelievably it's still being linked to by people who find it plausible and David Icke has included it as an appendix in one of his recent books. The story seems to be that this text was written by someone with an extremely dark and mischievous sense of humour who then sent it to a group of Australian conspiratards who had a bee in their bonnet about Crowley and the OTO ten years ago. - here are the best bits:

Any form of bizarre sexual congress is explored and encouraged because atrophied tastes need stronger stimulation. Children, the elderly, the mentally retarded and desperate are used at satanic ceremonies throughout the world. The left hand path caters for all tastes and responds to all needs.

In Australia and throughout what used to be the Soviet Union, Downs Syndrome pornography is an expanding market and an acquired taste.

Approximately one new D.V.D. – like The Gangbang of Mary Mongoloid Series (1998-2001) or Downer Syndrome Follies I-II (2001-2003) - hits the underground market every couple of months.

The Order of the Toilet is a traditional left hand path initiatory body whose members adhere to the largely neglected latrine doctrines of the Vama Marga. Order members are encouraged to engage in Bathroom practices as often as possible and no less than daily. The teachings and ordeals of the Outer O.o.t.T. are divided into the categories of the Champagne and the Caviar initiations.

The Order of the Toilet seeks to inculcate within its membership and the wider world, a cultivated love for and re-establishment of the hitherto secret magick of the night-soil tradition of the Western Sinister current.

Priceless. I think most of this Satanic planet 'engages in Bathroom practises' daily. The prankster in question also managed to further wind up highly weird US conspiracy theorist Henry Makow - Satanist Hints Oz PM is "Toilet Vampiress" is a headline straight from the Illuminatus trilogy.


not 100% conspiracy theory, but analyzes mass hysteria rsulting fron non-scientific activism.

Windfarm sickness spreads by word of mouth, Australian study finds

Health complaints from people living around turbines shown to be psychological effect of anti-wind lobby making people worry

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    Alison Rourke in Sydney, Friday 15 March 2013 06.52 GMT   
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Windfarms do not cause illness, other than the alarm spread by opponents, Australian study finds
Windfarms do not cause illness, other than the alarm spread by opponents, an Australian study has found. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

Sickness being attributed to wind turbines is more likely to have been caused by people getting alarmed at the health warnings circulated by activists, an Australian study has found.

Complaints of illness were far more prevalent in communities targeted by anti-windfarm groups, said the report's author, Simon Chapman, professor of public health at Sydney University. His report concludes that illnesses being blamed on windfarms are more than likely caused by the psychological effect of suggestions that the turbines make people sick, rather than by the turbines themselves.

"If windfarms were intrinsically unhealthy or dangerous in some way, we would expect to see complaints applying to all of them, but in fact there is a large number where there have been no complaints at all," Chapman said.

The report, which is the first study of the history of complaints about windfarms in Australia, found that 63% had never been subject to noise or health complaints. In the state of Western Australia, where there are 13 windfarms, there have been no complaints.

The study shows that the majority of complaints (68%) have come from residents near five windfarms that have been heavily targeted by opponent groups. The report says more than 80% of complaints about health and noise began after 2009 when the groups "began to add health concerns to their wider opposition".

"In the preceding years health or noise complaints were rare despite large and small turbined wind farms having operated for many years," it says.

According to Chapman, when wind farms started being built in Australia about 20 years ago some of the anti-wind lobby was driven by people who simply did not like the look of them.

"Then in about 2009 things started ramping up and these people discovered if you started saying it was a health problem, a lot more people would sit up and pay attention. It's essentially a sociological phenomenon," he said.

Giving the illness a name like "wind turbine syndrome" and "vibro-acoustic disease" had been a key feature in its spread, Chapman said. He accepted that some people genuinely felt ill but "where you set up an expectation in people that something in their environment is noxious, that can translate into an expression of symptoms".

The findings run against the claims of the Waubra Foundation, a national group that opposes windfarms and says serious medical conditions have been identified in people living, working or visiting within six miles (10km) of wind turbine developments. The group says the onset of conditions including sleep deprivation, hypertension, heart attacks and depression correspond directly with the operation of the windfarms.

Waubra chief executive officer, Sarah Laurie says illnesses resulting from exposure to windfarms is "an inconvenient truth".

"There's been an attitude that the people who are getting sick are collateral damage," she said.

"People are not getting sick because someone tells them they're going to become unwell. They're waking up in the middle of the night and suffering from sleep deprivation because something is waking them up."

Laurie, who trained as a rural GP, says it's important that more research is done so we have a better understanding of exactly what's going on.

"No evidence doesn't mean no problem. It means the evidence hasn't been collected because the research hasn't been done," she said.

Chapman said that if wind farms did genuinely make people ill there would by now be a large body of medical evidence that would preclude putting them near inhabited areas. Eighteen reviews of the research literature on wind turbines and health published since 2003 had all reached the broad conclusion that there was very little evidence they were directly harmful to health.

Chapman cited a recent New Zealand study that exposed 60 healthy volunteers to both real and fake low-frequency noise, similar to what is produced by wind turbines and is sometimes known as infrasound. Half of the volunteers were shown television documentaries about health problems associated with wind turbines before they listened to the low-frequency noise; the other half were not. They were then played a mixture of noises. Those who had seen the videos about the adverse affects reported higher levels of symptoms whether exposed to the genuine or fake audio samples.

In spite of results like this, complaints from some living near wind turbines persist. David Mortimer is a beef and cattle farmer in the South Australian of Millicent, 400km south east of Adelaide. Wind turbines were built on his farm in 2004.

"Mostly I've had sleep-related problems," he said. "At night I get a deep rumbling sensation in my head which makes it hard to get to sleep. I also get a pulsing in my heat that does not correlate to my heartbeat. It gives me an acute sense of anxiety and arythmia that goes on for days."

Mortimer said he sleeps well when he's away from the farm, when the silence in his head at night is "absolutely profound".

"As soon as we come back the symptoms reappear," he said. "A lot of people like me are complaining but politicians and wind farm companies are not listening."

An application for 160 new turbines has been approved to be built on his neighbour's property. Seventeen of them will be visible from Mortimer's house and within 3.5kms of his home.

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Andrew McIntosh

Nah, it was "left wing radical students". Our own Jones has solved the case.
Shikata ga nai.


Eerie 9/11 premonitions in album artwork:

And drive yourself insane by thinking about everything at this gallery:

One they missed was Ramleh 'Be Careful What You Wish For'. Opening track 'The New York Conning Tower', date above Anne Frank cover photo: SEPT 11.
