That's some bullshit. But it happens in the States all the time. If you chase someone out of your house or business you have to end it right there, the second they step out of your home. You just have to let the asshole go you can't chase them a block from your house and shoot them or beat the shit out of them you have to let the cops take over from the second they pass your welcome mat. The law in some states goes even further saying that one cannot attack someone in their own home if the assailant is unarmed. That is 100% nonsense. If someone is in my house you better believe I'm going to take that grand opportunity to beat them as bad as I can without killing them. If they harm someone in my house I would do everything in my power to keep them in my home and kill them. When I first moved into my own apartment when I was 18 I used to sometimes hope that someone would break in just so I could get some aggression out. I think a lot of people feel that way.