As each year goes by I seem to get far more hostile and resentful towards illegal immigrants. Back when I didn't care about it either way I had went to Mexico and me and my friends were told like 4 separate times that we weren't welcome, one of my friends cousins got stabbed that weekend while walking to get cigarettes and the guy who stab him said (get this shit) "go back home!". I went back a few years later and the same shit happened, without the stabbing, I didn't get served by a bar tender at one place. While walking around there was so much shit that referenced America and going there and trying to get jobs, there were even billboards above the freeway. I've been to Mexico 8 times and have never had a good experience all that I have learned is that they don't want us in Mexico but expect that we should just allow them in with open arms and since the time they are born most of these wetbacks are taught to try and get to America for a better life instead of putting their efforts into fixing their own shit hole country. It's hilarious when you see them driving around your neighborhood blasting their polka music with a big Mexican flag on the back of their low-rider truck. If you are so proud then go the fuck back. I personally think the laws on immigration need to be harsher and it would be nice to see other countries take these people, like Canada, and see how they like it. I've always thought it was funny when I have been to states like Minnesota or Indiana and talked to liberals there who see no problem with it. Maybe they should move to where I live in Arizona and see what I have seen before making a call like that.