A friend of mine and I were discussing this whole "identifying" thing, more in relation to young people being "fluid" with their sexuality, and we both agreed it's just a fashion, nothing more. All this kind of thing comes from certain people living in certain areas who have exposure to certain ideas. My friend's daughter is involved in anarchist activism so my friend meets these kids, boys who wear skirts and simple stuff like that. They're all in the same circles exposing each other to the same ideas and concepts. Anyone outside of it has to have it explained to them.
I dare say there may be one or two primative tribes left in the world in which, who knows, some old shaman turns into an animal at appropriate ceremonies. Maybe. You might find someone in a dirt poor village in Russia who thinks he's a goat. Maybe someone in a rural community in Africa or South America who believes they are an airplane or some such thing.
But all this "otherkin" shit is just a fashion, something groovy people in groovy suburbs who are in the same groovy circles talking the same groovy bullshit to each other are suddenly into. Odd that all these people who "identify" as dragons or lamp posts or teacups or whatever have suddenly cropped up right now, and haven't been around since whatever.
But, since all it takes is to "identify" as something these days and you're it, I identify as an arsehole. And as such, I reserve the right to shit on chairs and you have to recognise my right as an arsehole to shit on you.
Give it a generation or more and it'll be some other groovy bullshit. If I'm still alive I'll still be sneering at it. Fashion comes and go, cynicism remains.
(PS - I have to admit I'm a bit more open minded about people having phillias for inanimate objects. I posted a video here a while ago about people who have "relationships" with objects, "The Woman who Married the Eiffel Tower" or something. Someone's sexuality developing towards non living things is something I can at least sort-of understand. Wanting to fuck a car or a building seems strange to me but human lust knows no boundaries so I can accept it, and as romantic love is just lust plus obsession, someone wanting "a relationship" with a building, I suppose, makes a weird sense.
But "identifying" as a chair - that one needs to be explained to me. I have no idea).