Started by GEWALTMONOPOL, December 15, 2009, 09:30:59 PM

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YU//F - Clouds Pass Stone Remains (Robert Fuchs)

I have had this cassette sitting up at my mother's house for a while during packing and moving to a new place.  Now that the stress of that is over (I hope! hah.), I can finally dig into this tape I have been waiting so anxiously to hear.  Beautiful work overall to spend the first sunny evening of the spring listening to.  A-Side plays out  in a very somber manner, with some tape murk working its way along, and some slight mangling added in.  Restraint is great here.  B-Side manages to create some weirder atmospheres to start, but eventually gives way to the beauty that this artist has been known to create throughout the years.  I am wondering when a larger edition YU//F will come out, as I think this is an act that will continue to go criminally underrated until such a release comes along.

Diagram:A - Untitled (Ultra Sound Probe Transducer)

Did not expect a spiritual revival of Sound Probe to be on the tables for 2025!  It is a welcomed one though.  Packaging is as raw and disgusting as ever, which is had me excited to check the actual sound.  I own some older Diagram:A discs, and they are amongst the LOUDEST pieces in my collection.  This one actually ended up sounding closer to the YU//F tape than intended!  Creepier zones of restrained synth make you feel trapped inside the machine they come from.  There are some rats scurrying about, maybe a wasp's nests.  Yet by the time you find a home in this filth, it starts to have some blissful comfort to it.
Dead Door Unit
French Market Press