Japanese Torture Comedy Hour - Recycled (RRR)
Japanese Torture Comedy Hour/Muzumuzu - Split Audio Fuck (Chaotic Noise Productions)
Various Artists - An Evening of Serious Noise (RRR/Statutory Tape)
Exploring the many sides of this confounding New England unit. There are some serious players in this unit who have gone on to do serious damage elsewhere in music, and the PURE disc is one I can comfortably call my favorite noise album of all time at this point. The rest of their discography is a tad bit spotty though, as is often the case with collectives that let members float in and out between releases as they please. As a result, the couple of listens here have been an interesting few hours to sift through.
Recycled tape is a good mix of "audio experiments," harsh noise blasts and noisecore. Perfectly good entry into this seris. Not my favorite by any means, but very good; B Side especially. There are some hints of what two of these guys would go onto do in Agoraphobic Nosebleed with the drum machine. Sounds like some of the "live band" parts could have been rehearsal for the Serious Noise set.
The split with Muzumuzu sees the project in its infancy. It's raw, primal and has some goofy sections that do not land whatsoever (see: jamming over "Mr. Sandman"). It is by no means a polished product, but how often is the first thing an artist releases? Better artists have certainly debuted with worse, and I can appreciate the tape murk adding to the filth of this thing.
The set on An Evening of Serious Noise is probably the weakest recording in this bunch. Starts off extremely strong with one of the most powerful breakdown riffs I have heard in my life, and then basically devolves from there. Some "noise" sections have cool use of feedback, but also have the issue of drums cutting in. I hate drummers who don't know what the fuck to do when noise is being done in a band setting. Please don't start hitting the kick or doing the "random" fill here and there. It is annoying.
When this group locks in, they reeeeealllllllyyyy lock in. Other releases not played today show that (see: the split with Lockweld). These ones have those moments aplenty, but also have plenty sounds of "young dudes dickin' around." I appreciate hearing those now though with so many years of listening to noise, as we have all been there. We tried silly things that made us laugh in the moment, and maybe didn't age well. Embrace them, it's fun!