EUS Sol Levit (N/A): This Sage character at Heathen Harvest...don't think I ever see anything rated below a 4, yet it's almost all dark ambient music. I must be missing something in this genre, as very little ever seems to warrant a review that would suggest "you will listen to this album hundreds of time before you die". At least he (she) isn't as factually bland as most of the other contributors, but I digress. This received the predictable 5/5 as it is a good bit above average. Somewhere between the expected sounds of Troum or a more muzakal Anemone Tube. Slightly more engaging than previous works (project is two years old-ish, so there's vast improvement in a short span), which means it is a mash-up of all the linear components of the first few albums. This creates an album and not just a sound experiment. Not quite ambient, not quite drone...non-confrontational, meditative, serene.
Many repeats of Will Over Matter Phenomenal Highways, Merkstave S/T, Eduard Artemiev Solaris, Luciano Cilio Dell'Univero Assente, Developer/Being fact061, Magnolia Electric Co. Fading Trails.
Very excited to press play on Linekraft Kikai Ningen, Will Over Matter Toisesta Maailmasta, Nyodene D Atop Masada, Wrong Hole Esthetic Savings, Drug Age Tropismo, Amph Hudson, RM Current Logic, Jeph Jerman A Fidgety And Excitable Engine.