I cant be the only one here who has these little things that just annoy endlessly when it comes to releases. For example, I cant stand single sided vinyls. It feels just lopsided to me, like something is missing and I really cant stand it. Even worse is 2xlp's with one single sided vinyl. Drives me absolutely crazy.
Other thing is not marking rpm or side a/b. Maybe thats not necessary for some records but to me its just something I feel as necessary. Even if not a/b side markings, at least the rpm. I dont want to guess the speed the record is meant to be played at, at all. Fuck that. As for the a/b thing, maybe its just my personal need to have tracks in the 'intended order' so the album flows with the intended structure, although I have a feeling that this might not be even a consideration to some artists.
Either way, what kind of things really annoy other people here?