Tropic Of Cancer
Another "lost" giallo I never thought would see a dvd-release, but here we are... Cozy story set in a sunny Haiti, starring Anita Strindberg and Gabriele Tinti amongst others. The plot evolves around a doctor who has invented a new drug/medicine which formula some shady characters are willing to kill for. Some intense voodoo rituals and cock fighting scenes which could be taken straight from a mondoflick (that the director was close to Jacopetti and also helped out with Goodbye Uncle Tom might explain some things). Some very nice locations and at times visually stunning. Included is an interesting interview with the director, who talks about his several meetings with Haitian dictator Duvalier etc. Another amazing job from Camera Obscura. (Kind of funny how these dvds still feels expensive with their pricetag of about €25 each, I certainly had no problem paying more than that for somewhat shitty vhs-imports in the mid 90's.)
Hotel Paradise
A working camp with female prisoners out in the deep jungle, an evil tyrant, Ajita Wilson, some approaching revolutionaries = violent sleazefest. Good times all over, as primtive as it gets. Just now realised that director Edoardo Mulargia actually co-directed Tropic Of Cancer as well. The scandinavian dvd comes with both the regular version as well as the longer XXX-version.