Read that 32 page sample of the Sotos introduction to Pure Filth, which only about 5 or 6 pages seem to actually be missing (maybe less?). His intro is really quite good, very lucid and concise this time as opposed to his other later era books. Sotos actually address' this, saying that he "Doesn't write like this usually. I'd rather not explain what I do to people who didn't come for the subject and I despise using something anecdotal or point driven. However, in deference to Jaime, who I understand is dead, I'm less inclined to insist on the context I usually prefer to wrap myself in." Sotos then continues to go over the transcripts, he talks about his relationship with Jamie and the editor of this book, his opinion of the screen grabs used, and his opinion on some of the videos featured. He also talks a bit about how he thinks that most of the "private" videos Jamie did weren't truly private, that was merely a term used to sell more and jack the price up, or something to that effect. I've been skimming through the transcripts too but unfortunately the preview gets a bit more greedy around these areas and you can only read a few from On The Prowl series, along with Jamie's introductions which are pretty good for the most part. I'm really looking forward to getting this book now.