General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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Since they are change the name and not stick with their plan I guess this is the right thread :)




This should be in a thread about humour but some would consider it unPC. I caught a few minutes of a roast of Roseanne Barr on Comedy Central. Jeff Ross said "How many personalities do you have, 8 or 9? What are the odds they'd all be cunts?" He then went into a bit about her being molested as a child saying something about 'we feel sorry for the child molestor'. She laughed at the molestor jokes but for a second or so, she looked a little hurt over the multiple personality joke. The CC Roasts use to be pretty good but seem to have gone downhill since Greg Giraldo died. I missed Amy Schumar who's pretty funny (does rape jokes) & easy on the eyes.


Children's author Stina Wirsén has had a poster for a coming animated movie of hers removed, because one of the characters looked like a stereotypical African ( - the one to the right). Which is ironical since Wirsén's work is generally very PC, pro-multiculture et c; accusing her work of racism is downright ignorant. How many African children doesn't look more or less like that character?


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 11, 2012, 12:43:59 AM
This should be in a thread about humour but some would consider it unPC.

i posted it here because of the ongoing 50 Shades of Grey Discussion


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Paris magazine's Muhammad cartoons prompt fears for French embassies

Security boosted at French outposts as Charlie Hebdo publishes cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad

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    Kim Willsher in Paris, Wednesday 19 September 2012 11.21 BST   

Charlie Hebdo's HQ
Police guard the building where Charlie Hebdo is based in Paris. Photograph: Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images

Security at French embassies around the world has been reinforced after the Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad.

Amid continuing protests by Muslims around the globe over a controversial anti-Islam film, French ministers and religious leaders called for restraint, and riot police were posted outside the magazine's offices.

French embassies and schools in 20 countries will be temporarily closed on Friday, as a precautionary measure in case of fresh protests after prayers, the foreign ministry said.

The offices of Charlie Hebdo were firebombed last November after it published an edition entitled Charia Hebdo, supposedly guest-edited by Muhammad.

France's prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said in a statement: "In the current climate, the prime minister wishes to stress his disapproval of all excesses and calls on everyone to behave responsibly."

Questioned on RTL radio, he added: "We are in a country where the freedom of expression is guaranteed, along with the freedom to caricature. If people really feel their beliefs are offended and think the law has been broken – and we are in a state where the law must be totally respected — they can go to the courts."

He was speaking amid calls for protests in the French capital on Saturday against the film Innocence of Muslims, which has sparked a wave of retaliatory attacks on US and other western embassies around the world.

An Afghan suicide bombing linked to protests about the film killed 12 people on Tuesday, bringing the death toll to more than 30.

Ayrault said a request had been made for police authorisation to hold the demonstration, but that it would be refused. On Sunday, police arrested more than 100 people who had gathered to protest near the US embassy in Paris.

The publication of the caricatures, on the inside and back page of Charlie Hebdo – whose website is blocked, for unknown reasons – brought widespread condemnation.

Essam Erian, the acting head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, said the French judiciary should deal with the issue as firmly as it had handled the case against the magazine that published topless pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge.

"If the case of Kate (the duchess) is a matter of privacy, then the cartoons are an insult to a whole people. The beliefs of others must be respected," he told Reuters.

Mahmoud Ghozlan, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, said that French law should deal with insults against Islam in the same way as it deals with Holocaust denial.

"If anyone doubts the Holocaust happened, they are imprisoned, yet if anyone insults the prophet, his companions or Islam, the most (France) does is to apologise in two words. It is not fair or logical," he said.

Richard Prasquier, president of the Representative Council for Jewish Institutions, said he disapproved of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons after the killings in the row over the film.

"It is in consideration of those deaths that I disapprove of Charlie Hebdo's initiative," he said in a statement. "To publish caricatures of the prophet Muhammad in these times, in the name of freedom, is an irresponsible kind of panache."

Dalil Boubakeur, the senior imam at the Grande Mosquée de Paris, appealed for France's Muslim community, which is the largest in Europe, to remain calm and not "throw oil on the fire".

André Vingt-Trois, the Catholic Archbishop of Paris, told French radio the cartoons would "provoke revulsion among many Muslim believers, who will feel their faith has been insulted". He added: "You cannot say anything in the name of freedom of expression."

Laurent Fabius, the minister of foreign affairs, said he was "against all provocation".

However, Charlie Hebdo's editor, Stéphane Charbonnier, was unrepentant. He said the latest caricatures would shock "only those who will want to be shocked".

In September 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten caused an international storm after publishing 12 cartoons depicting Muhammad.

Protests across the world resulted in more than 100 reported deaths. The Danish embassy in Pakistan was bomb
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that rules! Oh man I needed a good laugh


That kid at the end looked genuinely frightened.


France wins the cup for PCness


How prostitution became France's hottest social issue

The new Socialist government's determination to abolish prostitution has the whole country in debate. But what do the sex workers think of the plan?

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    Angelique Chrisafis
        Angelique Chrisafis   
        The Guardian, Monday 24 September 2012 20.00 BST   
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prostitute in the bois de boulogne
A prostitute working from a campervan in the Bois de Boulogne. Photograph: Amy Toensing/Getty Images

In a parking bay on a deserted industrial estate in Lyon, Karen, in her late 40s, sat in the passenger seat of her second-hand Ford Transit van wearing only black underwear. It was 7.30pm on a Friday night. She lit a pink lantern on the dashboard. Soon, a steady flow of cars was circling the car park – Mercedes, jeeps, old bangers — their drivers slowing to peer at the women in corsets sitting alone in a dozen parked, white vans, arms folded, candlelight flickering across their faces. "Some men drive round for hours just staring," she said. "Then they'll stop, ask the price, and demand a discount. I'll say, 'What, for all that petrol you've wasted?'"

A silver car slowed. "20 euros for a blow job, 40 euros for 'love'," she smiled. "Too expensive," said the man, accelerating. A 60-year-old agreed to sex for 40 euros. Karen climbed into the back of the van, which she had decorated with a bed, a heater, purple curtains and a chest of drawers. Three minutes later the man walked out into the night. Karen laid out a clean sheet of paper-towel on the bed, spruced her blond hair. "See, it's all very quick," she said. Most of the evening was spent sitting waiting. Then in 15 minutes, three clients paid for sex, including a Spanish man in his 20s in designer clothes. Each took less than five minutes. She had made her daily quota of cash needed to pay her bills.

A former secretary from the southern naval city of Toulon, three times married, with two daughters, Karen first started selling sex in the 1980s: a brief stint on the street near a Lyon station, working mainly in clients' cars, "which is very uncomfortable". She quit and got married, but in 1992, divorced and with a young child she suddenly needed to "put food on the table". She returned to sex-work, first in a hostess bar, then meeting clients at her home via a newspaper small-ad. For seven years, she has worked on the street in her van, Monday to Saturday from 7pm to around 1am, paying tax as self-employed. "'No pimp, no boss' is my motto. I'd rather do this than an office job, getting shouted at by a boss for a pittance." Her strict rules include condoms for everything and no kissing clients. "You have to hit rock bottom to do this," she said. "It's not an easy job, but it's a job where you can make money quickly. People try to say we're victims, say that we're alienated, that there's a sex attack in our childhood history, but I've never been raped by anyone. This is my free choice." She never looks into a client's eyes in the moment of a sexual exchange – "I look anywhere but" – and they rarely tell her their names. But in her top drawer beside the condom supplies is a petition signed by several of them: in neat writing, stating their profession: such as "public works" or "driver". It's a protest against the new French government's war on prostitution.

Sex work was hardly a priority in the French election campaign, yet it has become one of the defining social issues of Francois Hollande's new Socialist government. In June, the women's minister, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, made the bold announcement that she wanted to "abolish prostitution" in France and Europe. "My objective, like that of the Socialist party, is to see prostitution disappear," she said. The previous French parliament had already adopted a resolution aiming for a "society without prostitution". But can a government rid society of paid sex? The debate is raging among French intellectuals. Sex workers have taken to the streets, accusing the government of moralistic paternalism, saying Socialists are using the issue to distance themselves from the pariah Dominique Strauss-Kahn. DSK, once the Socialist hope for president, is under official investigation in France over complicity in a pimping operation after sex workers were allegedly procured for his orgies. He said he didn't pay and didn't know the women were sex workers. "I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman," his lawyer told the press. The inquiry has been extended to examine alleged group rape over the question of whether one sex worker was forced. Strauss-Kahn denies any violence.

The "white van women" selling sex on Lyon's industrial estate in Gerland embody the French state's difficult attitudes to prostitution. As in the UK, prostitution itself – receiving money for sex, or paying for sex – is not a crime. But activities around it are. Laws prohibit pimping, human trafficking, buying sex from a minor and soliciting sex in public. Brothels were outlawed in 1946.

Lyon, France's third biggest city, which has around 600 street prostitutes, has always been at the heart of sex worker protests. In 1975, more than 100 prostitutes occupied a church in the city complaining about police harassment, sparking similar protests across France until riot police evicted them. Now the Lyon Transit vans are the new frontline. In 2003, Nicolas Sarkozy, then interior minister, introduced a controversial law against soliciting, making it illegal to stand in a public place known for prostitution dressed in revealing clothes. To get round this, women started working in private vans. Selling sex inside a vehicle was not breaking the law. But police are now using any means to crack down on the growing number of sex-work vans, namely parking tickets and tow-trucks. In Lyon, sex workers complain of constant parking fines and being towed to the pound. Some on the industrial estate owe thousands of euros in parking tickets and pound-release fines accrued each month. "You can get two parking tickets in 20 minutes, or be towed away on Tuesday, pay a fine, and be towed again on Thursday," said one. The women stand their ground. One drives 500km from Bordeaux each week, works and sleeps in her van for four days and nights, before going home. Others travel to the area from Burgundy or Paris.
sex workers take part in an anti-abolition demonstration takes part in a demo Sex-workers in Lyon protest against the government's plans to penalise their clients. Photograph: Jean-Philippe Ksiazek/AFP/Getty Images

The government is planning a major consultation on the abolition of prostitution. One idea under consideration is to criminalise the client, meaning anyone who buys sex from a sex worker would face prison and a fine. There are only a handful of European countries where clients of sex workers face prison. In 1999, Sweden became the first, followed by Norway and Iceland. But it is far from certain that France will put it on the statute books. The French Socialists would like their abolitionist stance to be mirrored in Europe, namely in the country they see as closest in its attitude to prostitution: the UK. Other neighbours have radically different approaches: in Germany, prostitution is legal and municipally regulated; in Spain, vast borderland brothels in places such as La Jonquera in Catalonia are frequented by French clients.

In a cafe near Place de Clichy, in northern Paris, Elizabeth, 49, and seven Algerian transgender sex workers were having coffee before going to work on the streets in the west of Paris. Elizabeth, originally from Cali in Colombia, had arrived in her blue Citroën people carrier, which with a mattress in the boot doubled as her workspace in Paris's Bois de Boulogne park, where she sells sex from 11am to 6pm each weekday, for ¤40. The Bois de Boulogne, a favourite daytime jogging spot of Sarkozy's, is a centre of the crackdown on prostitutes' vans. Elizabeth has had more than 60 parking tickets this year. "I'm considering a hunger strike against the idea of criminalising clients," she said. "If clients risk prison, sex work will be forced underground and into apartments, pimps will benefit, sex workers' security will be compromised. Already the mere talk of clients being criminalised means there are less customers on the street."

For Elizabeth, transsexual sex work is a reflection of daily discrimination. "As a transsexual, you can't find work, no one will rent you an apartment, it's a difficult existence. Often this seems the only option," she said. Two months ago, Jasmine, 30, started working on a road in the Bois de Boulogne after leaving Algiers. "I can't go back to Algeria because of the way I look. My parents think I'm waiting tables here. I just want a normal life as a transsexual, to run a shop or a hairdressers. But I have to pay ¤40 a night to live in a dire hotel room with no toilet. This is the only way I can get the money. I work a few hours a night, 11pm until 2am. I try to choose men in their 40s, who I think are safe. I'm really scared on the street, but I'm most scared of the police."

The government estimates there are 20,000 prostitutes in France, with between 5,000 and 8,000 in Paris. A parliamentary report last year by a rightwing and a Socialist MP who proposed criminalising clients said 90% of street prostitutes were foreign and 80% of sex workers in France were victims of sex trafficking. Where 20 years ago the majority of street prostitutes were French, most are now foreign and criminal networks are increasing, most recently involving Nigerian women or Romanians trafficking Albanians or Moldovans.

In July, six Romanians appeared in court outside Paris charged with pimping: accused of beating women, confiscating their passports and forcing them to work as prostitutes. Last November a similar Romanian network was dismantled, including minors made to work in the Bois de Boulogne. The paper Le Progrès reported that this summer in Lyon police discovered a Chinese woman in her 30s shut in an apartment she hadn't left for three weeks, forced to sell sex according to a "menu" of services translated into Chinese. Clients had replied to a small ad for "massages". But far from trusting the police to protect sex workers, the atmosphere is one of fear and hostility. Some sex workers complain of being insulted and assaulted: in Colmar in 2010, two police officers and a train-worker for the SNCF national rail were convicted of raping a Romanian sex worker. Other allegations of rape are going through the courts.

Meanwhile the state is under pressure to do more against trafficking and sexual slavery. Rights groups say not enough support and protection has been given to trafficked women who cooperate to denounce their abusers.

"Instead of grandstanding about abolishing all prostitution, why don't they immediately end the prostitution of minors and human trafficking? They've already got all the laws to stop that, yet it still exists," said a male sex worker in his 20s, who works nights in the forest of Fontainebleau outside Paris.

There is fierce debate in France over whether all sex workers should be considered victims, or whether "independents", without pimps and beginning to be unionised, should be viewed as separate. Pro-abolition feminists say the act of paying for sex is always an act of violence, forcing the sex worker to anaesthetise themselves and cut themselves off from their own body to endure it. "Slavery hasn't been eradicated, but it has been abolished. The same choice for prostitution would be an advance for civilisation," said the feminist Sylviane Agacinski. Another high-profile feminist, Elisabeth Badinter, co-wrote a counter-argument saying talk of abolishing prostitution was based on "two debatable assumptions: that charging for sex is an affront to women's dignity and that all prostitutes are victims of their bastard clients". She said a woman selling sex was "not necessarily a victim of male oppression". And not all clients were "horrible predators or sexual obsessives who treat the woman as disposable objects".

Cloé Navarro, 27, spokeswoman for the Strass, the French sex workers' union, studied as a nurse and now sells sex on the street in the west of Paris to pay for her postgraduate studies for work with autistic children. She says she feels safer on the street, working in clients' cars or hotels, rather than on the internet, where she can't see the man before accepting an encounter. "This is not a job everyone can do, but it's a real job. You need a lot of empathy. People come to us with problems. Sometimes I think I've got the word 'nurse' stamped on my forehead," she said. She described clients as "everyone", from 20s to 70s, widowers, men with disabilities, "a high percentage" of new fathers with babies and toddlers. "This government is stigmatising sex workers. I work one street away from a police station. The abolitionist approach would push sex work into a no-man's land where we are more likely be attacked," she said.

The new face of the union is its leader, Morgane Merteuil, 25, a postgraduate literature student. She started sex work as a student in a hostess bar in Grenoble, but now works exclusively on the internet as a self-employed escort. A one-time anarchist activist and rebel from a conservative provincial family, she has just published what she calls a feminist sex workers' manifesto. She balks at "media cliches" that sex work divides between low-class work on the street or high-class five-star luxury: "I don't think I've ever met a client in anything more than a cheap hotel costing ¤60 a night," she said. She rails at the new leftwing government for "morality politics" and "paternalism", describes sex-work as a job – "a necessity, like any other job" and demands the immediate scrapping of the law against soliciting.

In Lyon, Karen was preparing to lock up her van and go home to her boyfriend. "It's not possible to abolish prostitution," she said. "Look at the death penalty, did that stop murder?"

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and they even waste money in these articles:

    National newspapers

Sexist stereotypes dominate front pages of British newspapers, research finds

Study reveals 78% of front-page articles are written by men, and 84% of those quoted or mentioned are male

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    Amelia Hill   
    The Guardian, Sunday 14 October 2012 16.55 BST   
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Duchess of Cambridge
The Duchess of Cambridge and her sister Pippa Middleton were two of the women most likely to be pictured on newspaper front pages. Photograph: Reuters

Sexist stereotypes, humiliating photographs of women and male bylines dominate the front pages of British newspapers, according to research carried out by the industry body Women in Journalism (WiJ).

Male journalists wrote 78% of all front-page articles and men accounted for 84% of those mentioned or quoted in lead pieces, according to analysis of nine national newspapers, Monday to Saturday, over the course of four weeks.

The only females to be regularly pictured in the period were the Duchess of Cambridge; her sister, Pippa Middleton, and the crime victim Madeleine McCann. The three males most likely to be photographed were Simon Cowell, whose biography was published that month; Nicolas Sarkozy, who was fighting an election, and Prince William.

Women's groups, which complained about sexist stereotypes in the media in a presentation to the Leveson inquiry into media ethics, welcomed the research. Anna van Heeswijk, chief executive of Object, said: "With newspapers so male-dominated, is it any surprise that women are portrayed the way they are? Changing the number of female writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in the media is crucial if we are serious about wanting a socially responsible press."

Harriet Harman, the deputy leader of the Labour party, who has long campaigned against sexism, said: "The media is supposed to reflect the views of everybody. How much is it really reflecting the views of women in this country? In parliament, with men in the media reporting on men in parliament, there is a double whammy."

Women in Journalism's research reflects a malaise that George Entwistle, the BBC's new director general, admits is writ large in broadcasting. The BBC has faced pressure over its treatment of women on screen after a series of damaging rows over ageism and sexism involving the newsreader Moira Stuart, the former Strictly Come Dancing judge Arlene Phillips and the former Countryfile presenter Miriam O'Reilly. In recent years, figures such as Anna Ford, Selina Scott, Kate Adie, Dame Joan Bakewell and many others have spoken of their concerns about the treatment of older women by broadcasters.

Entwistle's predecessor, Mark Thompson, also admitted the broadcaster had a "case to answer" over the lack of female presenters, especially in "iconic roles". Entwistle recently went further, saying not enough had been done to promote female experts or ensure they took part in news programmes, including Radio 4's Today programme.

Entwistle said: "There's real headway with Amanda Vickery, Mary Beard and Lucy Worsley. We have made real progress in actively looking for, and finding, great female experts to front our big factual shows, but it's not enough.

"The Today programme struggles because we are dealing with party politics as it is, dealing with the world as it is, and that's a very male place. What the BBC often reflects is the way the world is."

Women in Journalism's study closely reflected research carried out by the Guardian last year, which revealed that in a typical month, 78% of newspaper articles are written by men, 72% of Question Time contributors are men and 84% of reporters and guests on Radio Four's Today programme are men.

The findings are also in line with US research by the 4th Estate earlier this year, which found that in media reports on women's issues, including abortion and birth control, men are quoted around five times more than women.

WiJ found that the most male-dominated title was the Independent newspaper, with 91% of its 70 front-page articles written by men in the period studied. In contrast, 50% of the 24 bylines leading the Express were female journalists.

Among the so-called quality press, the Financial Times had the biggest proportion – 34% – of female writers appearing on its front page. Male bylines are more prevalent at the Telegraph (89%), the Sun (86%) and the Times (82%). The Guardian had a 78% male skew.

Of the 668 people named in lead articles, 84% of those quoted or mentioned were men, most being quoted in their professional capacity. This compared with just 16% women, who were disproportionately likely to be quoted as victims and celebrities.

Although there was greater gender equality in the photographs used on front pages, there was not a single female politician or leader in the top 10 images used during the month in question.

Where powerful women were featured, the images were often unflattering. For instance, the home secretary, Theresa May, appeared as the main picture four times during the month, but three of those were the same image of her pulling her mouth down in an accentuated grimace.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was pictured three times, but twice the shot was of her with her hands thrown up in the air, puffing her cheeks out. There were few pictures in which women looked powerful and serious.

In an interview after appearing before the Leveson inquiry, the singer Charlotte Church described the way women were portrayed in the UK media as despicable. It "erodes everything that women have been trying to build for years and years", she added.Object and three other women's groups, including End Violence Against Women, are monitoring the press for harmful portrayals of women – particularly victims of violence – to raise awareness of the issue during the Leveson inquiry. They are also talking separately to media regulators such as Ofcom about the issue.

Additional research by Rachel Cranshaw.

• This article was amended on 14 October 2012 to rephrase a reference to the abducted child Madeleine McCann being "regularly photographed" during the period in question. She was also referred to as a woman.

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Quote from: tiny_tove on October 15, 2012, 09:39:27 AM

• This article was amended on 14 October 2012 to rephrase a reference to the abducted child Madeleine McCann being "regularly photographed" during the period in question. She was also referred to as a woman.
