General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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not really PC faggotry, but perhaps faggotry of some sort, haha..

NEW YORK - Orthodox Jewish groups sued New York City on Thursday to try to block a new rule requiring parental consent for a circumcision ritual in which the circumciser uses his mouth to draw blood from the baby's penis.

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court, says the regulation is unconstitutional and violates religious freedom by targeting a Jewish ritual.

The rule, adopted unanimously by the New York City Board of Health last month, is aimed at reducing the risk that infants will contract herpes from the ancient ritual.

Using oral suction to take blood from the area of the circumcision wound is common in some of New York's ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities.

At least 11 boys caught herpes from the practice between 2004 and 2011, according to city health officials. Two of them died from the disease and two others suffered brain damage, they said.

Under the rule, parents must sign a consent form that says the health department advises that "direct oral suction should not be performed" because of the risk of contracting herpes.

The lawsuit says the city's conclusion that the ritual increases the risk of herpes is based on a flawed analysis and is not statistically sound.

"That opinion is based on limited study, inaccurate assumptions, and deficient data, all of which remain actively debated within medical and scientific communities," it says.

City Health Commissioner Thomas Farley defended the regulation.

"The city's highest obligation is to protect its children; therefore, it is important that parents know the risks associated with the practice," he said in a statement.

The plaintiffs include the Central Rabbinical Congress of the United States and Canada, the International Bris Association and several individual circumcisers, known as mohelim.

They want a judge to issue an injunction suspending the regulation.

The lawsuit says it violates the right to free speech because "the government cannot compel the transmission of messages that the speaker does not want to express."
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just pedophiliac faggotry. How anyone could defend mutilating then sucking off the genitals screaming infants as a religious freedom is beyond me, although, it is pretty hilarious.

Andrew McIntosh

Sue-ing for the right to suck the blood from a baby's cock that's just been hacked on the grounds of free speech. Of course.
Shikata ga nai.

Andrew McIntosh

I went through the thread and didn't find this article, even though it's from the start of the year, so -
Shikata ga nai.


Not quite faggotry, more like PC totalitarianism:

From the article:
"He is free to flout the order I am about to issue, but he must remember that freedom has its price."

How in the world could they possibly think that the use of the word 'freedom' in that sentence is at all justified?

Andrew McIntosh

Quote...Harrington ordered Tremaine to take steps to remove his posting from two websites — and the National Socialist Party of Canada website.

Wait, what?! Are they just using this bloke as some kind of test case or something? Jailing someone for posting remarks from white supremist and white nationalist websites because the remarks are fucking racist? Am I reading this right?
Shikata ga nai.


Public expression of "racism" is illegal in many countries. They fall under hate crimes of some sort. There is no "free speech" in a way that one could say whatever without consequence. We have no censorship, meaning we can print basically whatever we want without asking big brother first, BUT it doesn't mean that there couldn't be consequence after you have done it.

So you have right and possibility to say and print things, but you will have to answer for it. This means people over here do end up in trials for "hate speech", "agitation against group of people", "disrupting religious sensibilities" or whatever you'd call these in english. Go to germany, and mere positive opinion about 3rd Reich is simply illegal.

Certainly it would be foolish to think free speech exists in any bigger extent than what it serves in prevailing social order. In some other system we'd have freedoms of different types and restrictions of other type.

Canada is notorious for their strict policy for "hate crimes", which includes mere personal opinions and artistic expression.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


new anti dij campaign on the who makes the nazis website.
the columinists seems to get very excited to use the "F" word. I counted it at least 21 times.

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Andrew McIntosh

I suspect Tremaine's been pinged for other reasons. You don't just single out someone for posting racist remarks on the website of the Canadian NSP or on Stormfront.
Shikata ga nai.


When looking who is the man in charge, you could imagine "who makes the nazis" site guys being lawyers, "fighting" with his own agenda.
He has admitted to be trolling on such websites to incite more hateful messages and be able to identify who are the people behind aliases. When forum operates in USA, you can't necessary shut them down. You could try identify people and when you do - file lawsuit against them.

Richard Warman is an Ottawa-based lawyer who is active in human rights law.
He is best known as the primary instigator of actions related to Internet content under Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act against people including white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
Warman's libel lawsuits generally are "nuisance suits" that are part of Warman's "maximum disruption" policy.

We have neat case in Finland with one professor who is busy filing defamation & nuisance lawsuits against people he fights against.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Holy crap, if you could take people to court for saying/writing something that hurt someone's feelings in the US, the courts would be JAM-PACKED!


Kent man arrested after picture of burning poppy posted on internet

Police say that the man from Aylesham had been arrested on suspicion of 'malicious telecommunications'
    The Guardian, Monday 12 November 2012   

Poppies at the Cenotaph, London
Remembrance Day is marked in London with poppies. Photograph: Paul Brown/ Paul Brown/Demotix/Corbis

Police in Kent have arrested a man after a picture of burning poppy was posted on a social networking site.

The force said in a short press release posted on its website that the man, from Aylesham, had been arrested on suspicion of "malicious telecommunications".

"This follows a posting on a social network site of a burning poppy," said the statement on Sunday, which added that he was in police custody awaiting interview. Police provided no other details of the incident, which comes as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is preparing to release interim guidelines for prosecution of offences on social media.

Padraig Reidy, of Index on Censorship, which campaigns on freedom of expression issues, said: "News of this arrest is very worrying. Index hopes that when the CPS issues its guidelines on free speech later this month, due regard will be given to free speech online."

The director of public prosecutions, Ken Starmer QC, announced in September that he was launching a public consultation and issue guidelines on how to deal with the daily avalanche of hundreds of millions of comments – some abusive, some potentially criminal – posted on social media sites.

According to the website of the CPS, the Malicious Communications Act 1988, section 1, "deals with the sending to another of any article which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false, provided there is an intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient".

The CPS website states: "The offence covers letters, writing of all descriptions, electronic communications, photographs and other images in a material form, tape recordings, films and video recordings."

Last year, Police in Northern Ireland arrested a number of people after a picture of two youths burning a poppy was posted on Facebook.

In another case, also dating from 2011, a who burned replica poppies on Remembrance Day in London was fined £50 after being found guilty of a public order offence.

Emdadur Choudhury, a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), was guilty of a "calculated and deliberate" insult to the dead and those who mourn them when he burned two large plastic poppies during a two-minute silence, according to the district judge in the case.
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Andrew McIntosh

Malicious Telecommunications - the label. Coming soon.
Shikata ga nai.