Quote from: tiny_tove on December 27, 2012, 04:42:40 PM
and Spike Lee Vs Tarantino
Surprisingly well-written and critical article. They both come out as the self-absorbed asswipes they probably are, + manages to highlight the actual dilemma. Applause for that, niggers.
My girlfriend told me about a seminar on Jewish culture & Holocaust memory she saw on TV, where some old woman actually claimed that since every German family bore a responsibility for the Holocaust back in the 40's, that meant that Jews (don't know if she only meant German Jews, those directly connected to the Shoah or literally ALL Jews) should receive financial reparations for the harm that were inflicted upon them. Sounded completely unreasonable, even more so than Afroamericans demanding money from former slave owners. Is that still a topic in the US, by the way?
On name-giving: there's been a few cases of parents trying to name their offspring completely idiotic things in Sweden. Metallica was not approved as a girl's name, neither was Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "Albin"). Seriously, they tried that - and now I realize they were from the same smalltown as I: