General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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Quote from: online prowler on December 11, 2012, 03:11:37 AM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on December 07, 2012, 03:28:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 06, 2012, 05:30:27 PM
Swedish artist uses 'ashes from Holocaust victims'

"Artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff said that he stole the ashes from the Majdanek camp during a visit in 1989. The camp, now a museum in Poland, has called the alleged theft an "unimaginably barbaric act"."

"Salomon Schulman, a key figure in Sweden's Jewish community, told Swedish television that the art was "repulsive in the extreme", according to news website The Local."

So Micky have had the ashes around for 23 years before using them? Sorry I don't buy this for a second.

I don't know what to make out of this. Could be true, maybe not. Nevertheless it seems to me as a not too interesting art project. The starting point and point of view for the work seems a bit too easy, too obvious, with a blunt provocative edge to it. But the again ... here we are discussing it ... On and end point I have to give it to Carl (if true) that he is probably the first person on planet earth to make lye (water+ashes=a corrosive alkaline substance) from human ashes. That has to make up for something?  

Either way the exhibit was closed down a few days ago - got a bit too much negative publicity, formal accusations of grave desecration (though it happened in another country, more than 20 years ago) etc... But the gallery will probably earn from it now.


I though it pretty funny about the recent shooting that many of american contrarians like bill mahr started yapping about gun control which is such a hot topic subject and immediatly has strong opposition but I dont remember reading anything about mental health care.
that doesnt seem to be a sexy issue even if these occurances clearly are manifestations of brain diseases. and I doubt anybody is strongly opposed to trying to help the sick.


Quote from: KMusselman on December 19, 2012, 12:43:50 AM
Ok, while I'm not a fan of Ke$ha, this is ridiculous.... 

Totally off topic but I would hugely recommend a viewing of the video to that song with the volume turned off and some grim sounding instrumental PE or dark ambient playing instead - some great Satanic imagery in there.


I caught QT on a PBS show last wk. He looks like an old man who needs to put his teeth in.


Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on December 27, 2012, 12:52:47 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on December 19, 2012, 12:43:50 AM
Ok, while I'm not a fan of Ke$ha, this is ridiculous....

Totally off topic but I would hugely recommend a viewing of the video to that song with the volume turned off and some grim sounding instrumental PE or dark ambient playing instead - some great Satanic imagery in there.

Looked like a glossed-up version of Bewitched with some erotica thrown into it. Nice inverted crosses though, very pagan. But why was that video banned? Didn't see any guns or schoolkids in it.


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 30, 2012, 09:55:49 PM

Good piece from Goad about school shootings & mentions the use of meds by the shooters which we've discussed before.

I don't get why he brought up that Holmes reportedly took "100mg" of Vicodin. Vicodin is a small amount of hydrocodone with a lot of Aspirin. I'm pretty sure that doesn't make any sense.

Vigilante Ecstasy

I'm tensed up/To watch the sex film


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 03, 2013, 11:46:35 PM
Kind of weird to think a Gov. has to approve someone's name...

Every name needs to get approved in Finland. Meaning, basic names are approved by default. Special names, may be accepted or rejected. It's unfortunate that this policy has been sliding towards nonsense. Not long ago, names of Finnish people needed to be correct for nationality (finnish) and gender (girl or boy). Nowadays you can pretty much make up anything and it might pass. And they often do.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Quote from: tiny_tove on December 27, 2012, 04:42:40 PM
and Spike Lee Vs Tarantino

Surprisingly well-written and critical article. They both come out as the self-absorbed asswipes they probably are, + manages to highlight the actual dilemma. Applause for that, niggers.

My girlfriend told me about a seminar on Jewish culture & Holocaust memory she saw on TV, where some old woman actually claimed that since every German family bore a responsibility for the Holocaust back in the 40's, that meant that Jews (don't know if she only meant German Jews, those directly connected to the Shoah or literally ALL Jews) should receive financial reparations for the harm that were inflicted upon them. Sounded completely unreasonable, even more so than Afroamericans demanding money from former slave owners. Is that still a topic in the US, by the way?

On name-giving: there's been a few cases of parents trying to name their offspring completely idiotic things in Sweden. Metallica was not approved as a girl's name, neither was Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "Albin"). Seriously, they tried that - and now I realize they were from the same smalltown as I:


All this discussion of names reminds me of this story where parents in PA who named their kids Aryan Nation and Adolf Hitler lost custody of them.


Quote from: ARKHE on January 04, 2013, 07:32:37 PM

On name-giving: there's been a few cases of parents trying to name their offspring completely idiotic things in Sweden. Metallica was not approved as a girl's name, neither was Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "Albin"). Seriously, they tried that - and now I realize they were from the same smalltown as I:

I wanted to change my name to a random sequence of numbers and letters, but keep the pronunciation as "Jordan" when I was around 14-15.


Quote from: Jordan on January 05, 2013, 04:40:50 AM
Quote from: ARKHE on January 04, 2013, 07:32:37 PM

On name-giving: there's been a few cases of parents trying to name their offspring completely idiotic things in Sweden. Metallica was not approved as a girl's name, neither was Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "Albin"). Seriously, they tried that - and now I realize they were from the same smalltown as I:

I wanted to change my name to a random sequence of numbers and letters, but keep the pronunciation as "Jordan" when I was around 14-15.

As a legal adult I suppose it shouldn't be any problem to do whatever you want with your name. And you'd be entitled to a lot of indignation as everyone would judge you a moron or freak based on your name for the rest of your life.

Should also be added that the man, Diding, owns a small hotel in Varberg, where Lenin stayed a night travelling westwards whenever it was he left Soviet. He started a spa called the Lenin Bath, and wanted to change the name of an adjacent park (the biggest in that town) to Lenin Park. I respect that man and am proud to share at least geographical origin with him.